09 || Stark's Ugly Christmas Sweater Party

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"Steve, what the fuck?" Bucky asks, as Steve throws a hideous Christmas themed sweater his way. "I'm definitely not wearing that, and there's no way that you're going to get me to put it on."

"Bucky, it's for Tony's ugly Christmas sweater party." Steve says.

Bucky looks up at him from where he's seated on the couch. Only yesterday Tony had came up to tell the both of them about his little party that he's going to be throwing on the bottom floor of the tower. The theme of which being an ugly Christmas sweater theme. Which had caused Steve to go out to the store and buy a dozen Christmas sweaters for himself and Bucky to choose from for the party.

Except, Bucky really doesn't want to go down there and attend the party. He'd rather stay up on his and Steve's floor watching movies or reading. Though, he probably should attend this stupid party, seeing as he's refused to go to every other party that Tony has hosted.

To be fair though, Bucky isn't too sure how well he'll be able to cope in a large crowd of people where almost everyone is getting drunk. Back in the day Bucky probably would have agreed to go to one, and be the one dragging Steve along with him not the other way around. But in this present day, he's just not really comfortable in socializing with a lot of people.

"Yes, the party that I don't really want to go to." Bucky points out, flipping through the channels on the TV.

"Bucky, you've refused to go to any of the other parties that Tony has hosted." Steve sighs, sitting down next to him on the couch.

"I know I have, Stevie." Bucky sighs, turning the TV off and turning to face him. "But, I just don't like being around large groups of people. You know that." He says. "And besides, you and I can't get drunk."

Steve nods, knowing very well that Bucky doesn't like to be around large groups of people. Back in the day he was fine around large groups of people, but now everything's different and Bucky has become quite reserved and shy. To be fair, all that he's been through, it's not entirely surprising that he'd not like being around large groups of people.

"If it helps, there isn't really going to be much people down there." Steve says. "It's just something small."

"Steve. With Stark, small more than likely means a couple hundred people." Bucky states, before once again sighing. "But I suppose I might as well go, just to shut you up." He says.

Steve smiles at that, leaning over to give Bucky a kiss. "Great." He smiles. "Now go pick a Christmas sweater from the pile to wear."

He groans at that, not wanting to wear a fucking Christmas sweater. But knowing Tony, he'd probably kick him out of the party for not wearing one. Or he might just kick him out for the hell of it, seeing as they still aren't exactly friends per se. They're more like acquaintances really, not so much friends. Though, they don't straight up hate one another. Tony just has some resentment for Bucky murdering his parents, even though it technically wasn't his fault.

Tony and Steve aren't really friends anymore either. Though, Bucky isn't entirely sure if they even were friends to begin with, or at least very good friends. He's not too sure on their history together really, and he doesn't exactly want to pry into their history together.

Unless Tony had tried to steal Steve off him. But Bucky can't really blame them if they did have something together. Steve did think he was dead for the three years prior to finding him alive, yet not quite the same. Though, Bucky is sure Tony was engaged to some lady, Pepper Potts who he himself has only met very briefly once or twice now. Maybe she'll be here at the party.

"Steve, these are all fucking hideous!" Bucky exclaims, looking through the pile of Christmas sweaters. "Who in their right mind would fucking wear one of these?"

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