28: The Man Of Few Words Mitch

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(Irresistible Ch 28: His Name Is Prince, Not After The Singer)


I wait but his fingers don't even flinch as they brush over the guitar strings playing the new melody we've been working on.


Still no answer.


I stare at him for a moment as he keeps strumming his guitar, the two of us just finishing up some new things we've been tinkering with. The album's done, gonna present it the family, and hopefully Mia, this Christmas I think but I can't help but keep writing. Have a whole book of songs at this point but the album can't be five hours long.

Writing, it's what I do and with Mitch here it's normally so easy, fluid, the two of us just have this rhythm when we get in the studio but today it seems we both have other things on our mind but we're handling it very differently.

On the one hand I want to talk about it, figure out my next move with Mia while Mitch on the other hand will mull it over in his brain until he mutters two perfect words on the subject.

It's a gift of his and I normally wouldn't push him but after how I acted with Mia the other morning I need to talk this out with someone and Mitchell is that lucky person.

"Mitchell Rowland!" I lean over and nudge him. "Come on man we need to talk."

He pushes his long hair out of his face keeping his guitar in his lap. "Ya?"

"I need to talk to you if you have a moment."


Man of few words.

"It's about Mia."

"Huh?" He perks up a bit. "I thought we already offered the job to Sarah Jones."

I turn to him completely confused. Sarah, the girl who just joined the band, has nothing to do with Mia. "What?"

"She already accepted didn't she?" He asks again looking emotional. Well as emotional as Mitch can get.

Wait, what going on with him?

"Yes, she did, this has nothing to do with her..." At this he visibly relaxes and turns back to strumming his guitar.

"Mitch do you have something to tell me?" Then we stare at each other, both squaring the other up to see who is going to crack first.

We both know it's me.

"Whatever, I need to talk about Mia, my friend."

And I hate that I still have to say that. Not that I don't want her to be my friend. I love it actually but I want more, so much more with her.

But I have no idea what to do.

I made the big proclamation, told her point blank that I liked her and she didn't say anything to me after it happened. In fact she practically used Monica as a human shield when I came down from my very pleasurable shower the other morning. Never fully realized wnaking off in the place Mia gets naked every day would be such a turn on but it was, it definitely was.

I barely last two minutes.

I'll have to work on that when Mia and I finally become intimate.

Because that's where this is going.

Well get together, get to know eachother even more, form a deeper connection and then it will all happen between us.

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