38: Inappropriate Touching London Style

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(A/N: Cheeky Mia, hehehe. Enjoy.)

(Irresistible Ch. 38: Backseat Exploration)

"You excited? Cause I'm excited."

My heart is beating rapidly in my chest as we wiz through the streets of London.

It's almost surreal being here with Mia. I was always so certain that Mia would come with me but to actually be here after all this time with the girl I'm falling for... now that's the best feeling of all.

I was supposed to come back home a few weeks ago, have an extended holiday before the album with my friends and family but I couldn't leave without Mia, she still had school and the thought of being thousands of miles away from her was unbearable.

Things are easy when we're together, we just fit. Her hand is half the size of mine and yet I still couldn't sleep on the plane if we weren't holding hands.

For the first time in my life, I'm not being driven by a mere desire but by something far deeper and much more powerful.

"Me too," she mumbles as her rolls her head over my shoulder. "But I have to be honest, my exhaustion might be winning out at the moment."

"Love how can you still be tired?" I chuckle kissing her temple and pulling her into my side, "you slept the entire flight, we didn't get to continue what you started in the loo."

"What I started?"

She plays coy but I know she knows she has some sort of power over me. She might not be all that familiar with but I know she does.

"Don't fall asleep on me again."

"Thought you liked it when I sleep on you?"

Mia's right, I haven't slept better than when I'm tucked up in bed with her.

I have no clue what I'm going to do when I go on tour. It seems unimaginable being away from her for that long.

I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed that everything goes according to plan.

"I do," I say kissing her ear before positioning her head to look up at me. "But you got me all revved up love, was looking forward to seeing where it ended."

"Harry, I wasn't about to touch you on an airplane."

"Says the woman who was all ready to go in the lounge bathroom."

I should have let the bloody plane leave without us. Was getting here on schedule really worth stopping Mia?

You had no choice mate, Mia wouldn't have gone on anyway

"That was different," my girl mumbles, the light shade of pink on her cheeks telling me she's embarrassed.

This is all new to her so I understand the feeling. When I was younger and completely clueless about all things sexual I had to fight back those same feelings of embarrassment. The big difference was that I was a horny teenager just thrust into the popstar lifestyle with four equally as excited and needy guys. I hate to say it but girls were willing to anything, practically throwing themselves at me at times... but hey if it would make Mia more comfortable I'd throw myself at her and completely let her take me the way she wants.

Don't think that particular course of action will work with Mia though. I have to take this slow, urge her along like I did back in LAX so she feels like she can do whatever she wants even if she doesn't know what she's doing.

I'll go slow, I don't mind. After years of total chaos, working or playing nearly 24/7 it's nice to have a slight change of pace especially when it's with her.

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