Meeting Jeanne

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After that, Theo brought us to his house. His house is a double story house and it looked beautiful though small. He kept everything clean and neat. I saw one woman's picture at the living room. She is really beautiful. She must be his wife. Theo shows us our room at upstairs. 

After asks us to take rest, he walks out. After a bath, Julia fell asleep quickly. I walk to downstairs. I saw Theo who is in his casual dress. He was in a blue shirt and black pants. The first time, I saw him like that since he always wears a suit. He looks younger than as his age. I guess woman will still fall for him now. He wore glasses with black frame and was typing something on his laptop. He suddenly lifts up his head to see me though I didn't make any noise. 

I guess he's sharp as usual.

''You didn't sleep?'', he asked me.

''Humm... I can't sleep'', I told him.

He closes his laptop and put it on the coffee table in front of him.

''Come...'', he taps the couch to ask me to sit.

I sat next to him. Suddenly I feel envy for the Jeanne who always with Theo since little. I don't know why I felt a close bond towards Theo.

''That girl.... She is lucky since she knows you since little. You must have missed her so much. You... regard her as your daughter right?'', I asked him.

Theo didn't say anything for a while. He seems like thinking about something.

''Sorry.... I shouldn't bring her name now'', I felt hurt by his silence.

''Indeed she gave me a big impact in my life. And yes, I was mourning her death. She is with me, share her problems with me and seeking advice from me. So, I felt a big loss after she gone.'', his tone was normal but I feel sad. 

Sad because he must have thought me as that girl since I have her heart. I shouldn't blame him too. I'm just come halfway. I cannot hope for more special treatment. They care me because I have this heart. That girl's heart.

''And then I saw you....'', his words make me turn to see him.

''I don't know who are you but you were injured badly. I take a quick glance at you when the doctors are trying to save you. Then, Harvey told me that Jeanne is in bad condition and they decided to transplant her heart on you. I disagree at first but then I pity to see your condition too'', he exhaled.

''So, I let them make that decision. They gave Jeanne's photo and ask the doctor to operate your face same like her. When you opened your eyes, you were panicked and out of control but you hold my hand. You ask me to not leave you'', Theo's eyes met mine.

''yeah.... I still remember it. You are the first person I saw when I opened my eyes. You caress my hair and told me that everything will be alright. I felt calm so held your hand and ask you to not let me go'', I smiled thinking about my first memory with Theo.

''At first, you remind me of Jeanne since you both look are alike. I can't deny the fact that, I am with you for her heart. I wanted to protect her heart. But later I realize that.... you are not her. You both have different characteristics. You have different taste with her.''

''Well, you must be very disappointed'', I didn't look at him.

''No. In fact, I'm happy'', he told me calmly.

I was shocked. I turn my sight to him.

''Being with you, make me realize and accept the fact that Jeanne is dead and I cannot think you as her. In fact, I never think you as the other Jeanne whenever I am with you. You are a different person and yes, you remind me a lot of my wife. Even Jeanne never make me feel that but you did. I'm happy to know you and I made my mind to not leave you no matter what.'', he finished.

''Thank you... I really needed those words. I thought that you also think me as that girl since I have her heart. and I thought you are being with me because of this heart. But now you make it clear to me'', I lay my head on his arm.

''Thank You very much.... For being with me'',

Theo opens his arm and I fell on his chest. My head is on his chest. He caresses my hair softly.

''I do regard you as my daughter. Don't worry about that. No one can replace your position'', I smiled when he says that. I closed my eyes and fell asleep on his arm.

The next day when I open my eyes, I was on the bed and Julia was still sleeping.

He must be put me on the bed. I remembered about our conversation last night and I'm happy thinking about it. My father used to carry me and put me on my bed after I fell asleep in his arms. Now, I felt like home. After the bath, I bring Julia downstairs. Theo prepared breakfast for us. 

Pancakes and Coffee.

''Waahhh... you cooked well. It's delicious'', I praise him

Theo gave a small smile while eating his food.

''Uncle, where did you learn cooking?'', Julia asked.

''from my wife. I used to help her in the kitchen. So, I knew a bit''

He must have loved his wife so much. Theo drops us to the café. Julia walks out after bid farewell. When I was about to enter inside,

''Jeanne...'', Theo called me.

''Forgiving is a noble action'', he told me. I know why he says that. He meant about Adrianna and Harvey.

''They truly care for you.'', Theo left the place after that.

The next day was Jeanne's death anniversary. I asked Ryan to bring me to her gravestone. After Ryan knows the direction of Jeanne's graveyard from Jackson, we went to the graveyard.


I saw her gravestone. Suddenly my heart felt so heavy. I knelt down and put the bouquet of flower I bought. Ryan steps back from me to give me a little privacy. I didn't realize about Harvey and Adrianna who came with Theo and Jackson that time.

I touched her stone.

''Thank you... thank you very much for giving this heart to me. I'm not angry because you hit me on that road. I just feel sympathy for you for not be able to survive. I really wanted to know you better. Your parents, your brother, Theo and so many people loved you and they are still loving you. I'm sorry if I disrespect your family. I'm sorry if I thought bad about them with your heart with me and I'm sorry for hurting you.''

Tears flow from my eyes.

''I loved my mother very much. After my father, she is the one who gave me the strength to live in this world. I couldn't accept the fact that she's gone and I couldn't have met her for the last time. She must have missed me so much. She must have waited for me. She..... must have disappointed in me.''

I paused for a while sobbing.

'' I'm sorry for your death. I really am. I wish we both are survived from that accident. So that your parents won't lose you and my mom won't lose me. I felt angry when I realize that they saw me as a container for your heart. I am me, not you. I'm sorry for thinking like that. I know I have your heart but.... I'm still myself. I'm so sorry for hurting people you love....''

I cried while covering my face with my palms. Someone hug me from behind. It's Ryan because I know his cologne scent very well.

''It's ok, June'', he called by my name for the first time. His voice soothed me.

I wiped my tears and exhale.

''I take leave first. And I will try to come to visit you often. Thank you for giving this life for me.'', I stood up. 

Ryan grabs my hand and walks me forward. When I enter his car, I saw them all who are looking at me.

God, how long did they listen to me? Did they hear me or just came in a moment I left? 

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