~A Wish To Know~

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  Zane Julien stood over the pot of boiling broth, stirring in the chopped chicken. He took the measuring cup to his left, and poured in the diced carrots and peas. He took a deep breath of the aroma, and sighed. He loved making chicken soup for him and his father. He turned from the pot, and placed the sheet of biscuits in the small oven.

 "Oh, it's nippy out there!" Dr.Julien gasped, opening the metal door into the underground lab. Zane turned from the stove, as his father quickly scurried down the spiral stairs into the main room.

 "Welcome back, Father." He said, giving the barest of smiles. Zane never really knew emotions, and when he did feel them, he had no idea what to do. Dr.Julien smiled back at his son.

 "I see you're up to cooking again." He chuckled. "This may be why I've started having to order food every month. Oh, and may you please bring down this month's supply? It's sitting out there in the cold, and we don't want it to freeze like last year..."

 "Yes, Father." Zane nodded, taking off his apron, and hanging it on the hook next to the fridge. He quickly slipped on his boots, and ran up the long, spiral staircase that lead to the door. His father was so worried about people finding his lab, that one of his relatives (whom Zane would never meet) who works for the post office delivers all of his mail to the lab once a month. Included in the mail are normal letters, magazines, catalogs, and a big box of food to last a month. Zane threw open the metal door, and was hit by a blast of cold wind. It didn't bother him; it was simply inconveniencing. He squinted through the snow, and spotted the brown crate under the tree across from theirs. The relative could never find the tree. One time the box was almost a mile away! He sighed, and walked out into the deep snow. Without delay, he picked up the box, and quickly returned to the lab, pulling the door closed behind him.

   Zane placed the crate on the small dining room table, and shook the snow from his near-white hair. He removed his shoes, and placed them on the towel near the fireplace. He threw another log in the fireplace, and clasped his hands together. What next...? He thought.

 "Zane, can you please unpack the crate?" Dr.Julien shouted from his work bench. "Leave the mail on the table, and put the food in storage."

 "Of course." Zane nodded. Not an unusual request. He made his way over to his father's work bench, and quietly took the small hammer that hung on the while. He returned to the crate, and got to work removing the nails on the lid. After a few moments, and about sixteen nails later, he pried open the crate, the lid falling to the floor with a clatter. Of course, on top was a pile of mail. He quickly went through the mail--two bills, a letter from his Aunt Ginger for his father, and a catalog from a toy store in the town. Zane was about to discard the catalog, when he saw a small tree on the front of it. A beautiful, golden star sat on top, and children were hanging strings of lights on the branches. Small, glass balls hung on hooks from the branches, and the children all wore red stocking caps with a fuzzy pompom at the end. The top of the catalog read 'Merry Christmas To All!". Christmas? Zane thought, looking at the children one more time, before placing the catalog back on the table. He quickly took care of the food, the rest of the mail, and placed the crate by the fireplace, to be burned later that evening. Zane then went to the stove, and scooped up two bowls of hot, chicken soup. He placed them at the table, and began pouring two cups of water.

  "Dinner is ready, father." Zane called, placing the pitcher of water in the center of the table. Wait! He thought, quickly running to the cupboard, and taking out a package of crackers that had just came in. He placed some on a plate, and placed the plate on the table. He sat down in his seat, as his father came from his workshop. His father coughed, resting his hand on the back of his chair. He swayed a little, as if dizzy, but straightened back out.

~..Silent Wishes..~ A Ninjago Christmas Story Collection.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ