~A Wish To Love~

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  Little Lloyd Garmadon looked at his alarm clock wearily, his light blond bangs falling in his eyes. 6:45 AM, 12/24. Lloyd gasped when he saw the date. Christmas Eve! He looked to his left at one of his roommates, Brad, and shook him awake.

 "Brad!" He whispered. Brad squinted at Lloyd, his messy black hair stark against the white pillow case.

 "What Lloyd?" He moaned.

 "It's Christmas Eve! My mom is going to come tomorrow with the other parents for Visiting Day!" Lloyd grinned. Brad gave him a weak, tired smile.

 "Great...have fun with that." He said rolling over, his back to Lloyd. Just then, the grandmaster's voice rang over the PA system, waking the boys. They all groaned, mumbling complaints and nasty things they'd like to say to the grandmaster, that Lloyd didn't quite get, and got out of bed to begin getting ready.

 "Are your parent's coming?" Lloyd asked, changing his pajama shirt for his school uniforms button-up shirt. "I've never been to Visiting Day... It's my first Christmas outside of the kindergarten! We don't get Visiting Day there; only letters. But-"

  "Lloyd, shut up!" Another kid, Gene, snapped.

 "Gene, be nice to him." Brad said, narrowing his eyes at the rude older boy. Gene had never liked Lloyd, even since Lloyd had gotten there a few months prior.

 "He's just a little runt who thinks-" Gene began, giving Lloyd a nasty look. He smirked, and shrugged. "Nevermind.. I'll let him experience Visiting Day without my spoiling it." Gene buttoned up his vest, and left with his entourage following.

   "Ignore him, Lloyd.. Visiting Day is a blast." Brad smiled, resting a hand on Lloyd's shoulder. "He's just bullying you because you're younger."

 "By only three years..." Lloyd mumbled sadly. Brad tied Lloyd's tie for him, and gave him a smile.

 "Don't worry, kid. You got me." He smiled, leading Lloyd out of the bedroom, and into the scarcely decorated hallway. Some faux ivy garland hung over the windows, with little holly berries hanging in clusters on each end. There was a large tree in the main hall, and it was decorated with red garland wrapped around it, and some dim white lights. No topper, no ornaments. It was bleak.

  "So, tell me, what's your mum like?" Brad asked, as the two boys wandered past the grim looking tree, and in

 "Oh, I don't know.. Maybe she has pretty, long blond hair like me.. a-and maybe green eyes, like my dad!" He smiled.

   "Ever meet your dad?" Brad asked.

 "No, I haven't..." Lloyd said, looking down at the wooden floor. "But, I do have one memory of him...I was very little, and I had woken up from a nap, I suppose, and I saw him."

 "What did he look like?" Brad asked.

 "He was... strange." Lloyd admitted. "He was handsome, I'd suppose, but.. weird."


 "I don't know how to describe it.." Lloyd said, trying to find the words. "But.. He had kindness in his eyes.. and something else; sadness, I suppose..." Lloyd slowed to a stop, staring blankly at the floor...

  Lloyd opened his eyes, and yawned. A young man with wavy, brown hair looked down on him, and gave him a small smile. He had pale skin, and red eyes with the smallest amounts of green in them.

"Hello, Lloyd." He said quietly, picking up the baby. Lloyd didn't know this person, but his voice rang familiar. The man was sad, Lloyd could sense it. Who was he?

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