Chapter 4

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"Sebastian!" I run up to him


"Has he answered yet?" I asked

"No I haven't gotten any letter. But I would like to know what  it's about" he said causing everyone to look.

Oh satan...

"Is there a way you can-" I stopped and saw William enter the house again, he looked at me and I smiled wanting a smile back but he just walked away again...


"Umm is there any way you can take me to him?" I asked "I can't no guard will allow me to pass but why is it so important please we're here for you." Sebastian said

"Look Sebastian you guys know. I know your here for me but I can't...I can Not tell you as much as I want to! It's hard but I know what I'm doing ok..just trust me" I say and they nod

I go to the yard alone and look up at the night sky..

"Why..why are you here?" I turn around to find William.


"You come and go! I won't allow you to hurt me or my family ok!"he says

"What do you mean..? William I would never hurt you-"

"Shut it. How desperate are you for attention? Making your life seem all mysterious and act like your in danger when in the end you come back to life." He says coldly

"I-I'm not acting! William I don't want attention..I just want things to go back to the way it used to be.." I cry out to him

"Oh so you want my daughters and wife to all die so you can have what you want?" He says and glared at me.

"WHAT! No William! Why are you saying this! I would never want them to die. I-i -"

"You what? You can't seem to die. Is that it? Well let me tell you one thing ok." He walks up to me and says

"You can fool the others all you want, but stay away from my family! Understood?" He looked at me then walked off...

I sat down.."w-what just happened.."

Did I just loose..the one I cared about so much. What have I done.

The next morning came I never slept, I walk into the house and rosey hugs me and I wanted to hug back but William glared at me.. I go up to Sebastian

"Im..sorry Sebastian, you can cancel the message to Satan..I won't be needing to find the person anymore." I say

"What why? You found them?" Sebastian and sata ask

"No..but, it doesn't matter anymore" I forced a smile


"Well..someone just made it all clear for me.. they finally opened my eyes. And I thank them for that.." I say and take a quick look at William as he looks away.

"Ok.. but I already sent it. I'll just reply to him it's nothing."

I nodded and was walking toward the door. "Where are you going?"

"Uh..I'll be back...cause I seem to anyway.." I say and look down and run off.

I go to the black hole and sit there.

"Was it true? Is it true? Look at me whatever I do causes more stupid drama! I'm so stupid! Why can't I just die already!" I say.. but then they come out.

"Oh your back so soon? I assume you found Nepenthe?" They ask

"N-no I'm afraid not..but why did you not just kill me..I still don't understand."

"_____ you are hilarious, did we ever tell you that? But your right why didn't we just kill you? Well here's your answer. You can't die."


"You can't die. Well not now anyway. Your soul is gone we told you you still had it but we lied. Your only a walking body. Now you have an interesting life ahead of you. And you have two paths. A dark one and a light one and it's your decision to make. Now go and find Nepenthe. The more you know the more you'll understand how close Nepenthe is to you. And once you find it. It belongs to us!"

They started to fade...

"WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" I yell out but nothing

"How is Nepenthe close to me?!" I groan and lay down..will I ever gain their trust again?

"Yes! I won't stop I have to do this for William! To show him I am me!" I say

"!but what if he doesn't want me in his life......"

"Nonsense! He just needs a lift and I'll do it I'll show them!" I say

"And I'm talking to myself.." I sigh and walk off.

I'm Here, so Stop Running! (Book 3)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora