Chapter 8

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Your pov....

I was walking through the small town looking at stores. Everything was so different! And really pretty with new lights. Today is Wednesday 16...2 more days until Friday. And it's ok. I can do this I just have to think.

"Hey stwop it! Give it back!" I overhear a child yelling as I look over to find a little boy reaching out for a doll that older boys were holding from him

"Ha why? What kind of boy plays with dolls?" They laugh, I watch as I see no adult or anyone as a matter in fact going up to stop them. Many people passed them. But I wouldn't allow it. As the teen boys held up the doll I took it from above and as they turned around I glared with blood red eyes.

"What are you boys doing playing with a doll?" I scoff.

"W-what! We weren't playing with a doll! He was!" The teens point to the younger boy

"Well I didn't see him holding this doll and waving it around. But hey I have no hate for gay little boys" I grin to the teens and they freak out saying they weren't gay. "Alright then leave. Now." I say and they run off.

I look to the little boy and hand him the doll and go down to his height. "Hey, you do know I was messing with those two boys with the whole doll thing right?" I ask

He gets the doll and squeezed it "I'm not gay." He said

"Well I never said you were" I smile and he smiled back

"You really did scare them" he laughed

"Well their scaredy cats. Come where are your parents?" I asked him and he pointed to a store

"My sister is with my mom in that store,I found this doll and I wanted to give it to my little sister as a gift!" He smiled and said

"Well does your mom know your out here?" I asked and he shakes his head. I grab his hand and walk into the store

"JAMES! Oh there you are! You gave me a heart attack!" A woman ran to him holding a baby girl.

"I'm sorry mom...but look what I got for Elisabeth!" Elisabeth...elisabeth? Elisa..Lizzy!

"Thank you for bringing him back...?" the women says, and I snap out of my thoughts and feel dizzy again.... "_____" I say and she smiles "thank you _____."

"No problem...bye James." I wave and he waves back

I need to get to a safe place...I need to get away from people.

*bark* *bark*
*chrip* * chrip*

Chase! Terra! Nigh-

I then passed out. I don't know where, but I fell.

*few hours later*

I wake up with a headache..

"Oh she's awake!" I hear a strange voice

"Hello? Can you hear me?" I open my eyes to see a lady wearing white and I was layed down on a bed...I look at my arm and I see tubes? My blood was going into a bag?!

I try to take them off

"No! Don't it's ok!" The lady says and I look at her

"Who are you!" I ask

"I'm nurse Susan, but I'd like to know who you are." She said grabbing paper

"Get these off me!" I yell at her

"I can't your passed out in the middle of the streets"

"I'm fine!" I say and pull everything out as I wince from the pain.

"NO! Doctors!" Susan calls for the doctors

"Hey woah calm down" men walk in and I hate this feeling..."IM FINE! Let me go!"

"No your not, what is your name please tell us." The doctors say
"Why" I ask

"Because we tried to find out who you were with the computer and your DNA but it's like you don't exist" they said

"Please look my name is ______and I'm fine I just felt light headed I didn't get enough sleep. But I must be going ok" I say trying to walk past them but I get pulled back

"We can't let you do that" they say

"What? And why?" I ask

"We need to find a record from you and you may be in pain still you'll need to rest for one more day." Susan said

"I'm fine" I growled.. I can't control myself...let me just go!

"You have no right to hold me back!" I say

"We do if your injured"

"Well I'm not!"

"Do it now!" Susan says and the Doctor runs up to me and sticks a needle in my neck..

"What did you do to m-......"I passed out again..

Wednesday it's today....I still haven't found Nepenthe...I think I'm going mad.

Williams pov....

Mary and the kids came back home from shopping and there were still no sign of ___ anywhere. I had a bad feeling something happened.

Everyone went to do their own thing as Mary came up to me with the paper ____wrote

"Hey what's this about?" She holds the paper up.

"______ wrote that" I say

"Ya I figured"

"Where is she?" Mary asked

"I don't know.."

"Well Tenny is going to come by tomorrow with her kids" Mary said

"Tenny? Kids?" I asked confused of who she was

"Ya. Don't you remember? Tenny and her kids James and Elisabeth" Mary said and I nodded

"Tomorrow is Thursday.. I hope ____ found what she's looking for" I say and Mary and I clean up and head to bed after putting Rosey and  _____.2 to sleep.


I'm Here, so Stop Running! (Book 3)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt