Chapter 5

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I couldn't stop thinking about it..I couldn't stop thinking about what William said. I'm so mad! *crack*

"Uh oh" I look up and see that I kinda maybe sorta broke a tree..

"Does he really hate me for being back? Did I sacrifice everything for nothing in return?why does this have to happen to meee!!!! But I can't blame him..I do always come back..BUT WHAT ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!? Ugh I just love them a lot and even if I try to hate them it's hard. I just want to be with them every life I have..but if they don't want me to come back now I can wait another 100 years..sure the pain will hurt but what blade wont..even if I'm a princess they wouldn't care.. and I'm talking to myself again..*sigh*"

I go back to Williams house hesitating each step..

"_____! Your back I thought you left or got taken." Grell said hugging me.. William was there and he glares at me and walks off to his room I guess..

"It's the middle of the night _____ you need rest" Grell said

"I don't Grell it's ok.."

"Oh then you have a guest he came right after you left he is in the kitchen with Basey and ciel" Grell said.

I go into the kitchen and find "Satan!" I hug him as he hugs me back

"Oh you have grown and your alive! It's good to see you gal" he says "Sebastian sent me a message saying you needed something from me?"

We walked back into the living room and William walking down stairs and just looked at me until he sat down.

"Ok so what is it?" Satan asks

"Well um... I need to find Nepenthe" I say and he looked confused

"Find? Nepenthe? You know that's not a person right??" He says

"Yes but I need to find it um I thought you would know where and if who was Nepenthe.." I say

"Well I can't say I do but why are you so eager to find this Nepenthe?"

"Someone needs me to find it.." come on stop asking questionsssss please

"Who is this someone?" He asked fudge

"Um just someone who needs help in order to help me.. and you shouldn't worry about this person since I don't want it apart of your life. Ok." I say quickly

"You better know what your doing ____ I heard you fell into the black hole so if someone's threatening you or something tell me or anyone else ok. Your the only one who has ever gone in and came out alive." He says

"I wouldn't say alive.." I mumble..

The guys look at me and I shrug "it's ok ok? And it's my choice..I'm choosing this path ok." I say and smile

"Yes but is this the easy path? Or the hard one?" Satan asks then I look down thinking...I can't say it..

"____? Are you ok?" I look up to see Ciel asking me that.

"Oh um I'm fine I..I have to go clear things out...I'll be in the front if you need me.." I say and walk out as Satan follows

"We are here for you" he says and goes away.

Ya but how long are you here?

A few minutes later I walked back inside the house and only Ciel and William were there... Ciel smiles at me as William continued to watch The Television.

I sat next to Ciel and saw him on some type of smaller T.V

"What is that?" I asked

"It's a phone. You can call and play games on it" he says

"Oh? Play games?" I ask

"Ya if you were here when it was invented you would of loved it!" He said and I looked away.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean it like that.." he says

"No it's fine. It is my fault after all..and who knows I might make the same mistake again..only time will tell" I say looking down

"What do you mean? You can't leave us, not again anyway your immortal ___ it's like nothing can kill you and you always find a way back" he smiles

"Or it's just I keep trying to find a way back...look Ciel I'm sorry I couldn't come earlier..I would if they allowed me but you know a deals a deals.." I say and I smack my hand over my mouth what the hell is my problem hey can't I ever shut it!

"What do you mean they? And deal? Are they the same people you talked to Satan about? _____ if your not telling us something your gonna get it from me!l " Ciel said

"I'm sorry Ciel.."

"I don't get it why can't you tell us? Your not even telling William!" He says and I look over to William and he looks at me

"If I tell you then they will know ok look I hate this too but I can't tell you anything cause they are listening to every word I'm saying right now!" I tell him William then looks at me and Ciel

"Then don't say anything" he says and hands me a pencil and paper

"Tell us everything and how your here" he says and I take the pencils and paper and start.


I'm Here, so Stop Running! (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now