Chapter Two

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    "So... Where are you from?" Namjoon asked awkwardly, wanting to get rid of the silence. "Y/HT (Your Hometown)" Y/N typed. Namjoon nodded then rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry, I've just never really been around anyone who was mute before." Y/N smiled, a small chuckle escaping his lips. "It's fine." He typed onto his phone.
      A minutes pass and Namjoon's phone rings so he answers it. "Hello? Oh hey Jin, what's up? No, I'm in my hotel room. Why? Oh because I accidentally ran into a fan." Y/N could hear Jin yell at him. "HEY, HE'S FINE!! " Namjoon's eyes widened a bit as Jin kept scolding him. Y/N let out a small giggle at the faces Namjoon had been making. After Jin finally finished lecturing Namjoon, he hung up. Y/N was still giggling quietly as Namjoon sighed. "Well, that was 'fun'."
     Y/N stood up and bowed to Namjoon, then typed on his phone. "I should get going, it was a pleasure meeting you." Namjoon smiled and stood up. "It was a pleasure meeting you, also may I see your phone for a moment?" Namjoon asked politely. Y/N nervously handed his phone to Namjoon. Namjoon quickly typed his number in then handed Y/N's phone back to him. "Here, now we can stay in touch, it's the least I can do for making you fall on your face." Namjoon said while smiling. Y/N's face flushed as he nodded and bowed again. Then he turned and headed out of Namjoon's hotel room.

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