Still With Me

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I can't think

You're in my head

Still with me

In my bed

All the words you've ever said

On constant replay

A broken record

Things still go your way

Can I run away and hide?

Put away this anger inside?

Can I get away from you? 

Are we finally through?

It's a shame

That we still play gamesm

That I still cry

Many nights a week

That I see you in my sleep

Defeated is what I am

A fraud and a sham

Thrown down too many times

Easier to stay there

The fight is exhausting

The fight is draining

Is it worth it?

Can I just quit?

Would you care?

Would I dare?

Give it up already

Keep my heartbeat steady

Shaking and quivering in fear

Just draw me near

Think about something else


Just escape the pain

Make it through the rain

Keep the faith

Hold the hope

It will get better

My life matters

Take a swing

Believe in anything

Tell me lies

I won't believe your disguise

But I'll want to

Go along with what you do

I can't think

I can't focus

We'll just turn into dust

Fade into yesterday

Find somewhere to lay

Let it be here

My dear

Right here


We find ourselves in this endeavor

Hold on tight

I have to fight tonight

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