Love is in The air

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Demi's Pov.

I grabed shay's hand and pulled her into the car , we drove home and ran into the house , it was dark so , i couldnt see where shay was , all of a sudded i feel her push me against the wall and start kissing my neck , i bite my lip holding in any sound that might try and escape. She was driving me crazy and i needed her , i grabed her and pulled her onto the stairs leaving a trail of clothes

i wanted to be in control , so we fell onto the bed and i didnt want to rush to fast


"mmmm. yeah?" shay said she was so cutie

"Are u sure u want to do this?"

"As long as im with u im for sure"

I kissed her and slowly kissed down her jaw line and moved lower until....... I hear a knock at the door.

I walk down stairs puting on pieces of my clothing so i would be naked when i open the door, i open the door and i become frozen....


ok, so who do u think is at the door??

also thank u all so much for all the reads and likes  comments it really made my day and  today isnt the greatest day and u all bightened it so thank you  :D


The girl next door (sequal to Love Me )Where stories live. Discover now