A Slug-Filled Heart

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A normal human ♡ might be described as a forest. So maybe you assume it's noisy and full of life, a few deer. And heck, maybe even a bear. Now picture this: a silent city block devoid of much else besides slugs and mosquitos. That's my ♡.
Don't get me wrong, desolate ♡'s aren't uncommon. According to the Children's ♡ Foundation, 1 in 100 infants are born with ♡ defects, The problem with my craptastic organ is the fact it keeps finding ways to screw up. Congenital ♡ Disease, irregular pulse, valve failure, inability to pump blood through one side, so on and so forth. My doctor says it's a 'lottery win', but I don't think she fully understands how stupid and or sad that sounds. She's a doctor, not a therapist, so I try not to hold it against her too much.

With my defect, comes bad....everything, with ANY subject to do with my cardiovascular system. So unless someone, one day far off, finds a magically convenient elixir of life, surgery is the next best thing. It's a common re-occurrence in my life, unblocking this, cutting open that, realizing this 19 year-old's ♡ has no capacity for anymore plastic. And sure, it works. Thing is though, when your ♡ continues to find more and more ways to both malfunction AND die, there isn't much you can do for it.

I realized that when I'd just gotten a plastic version of a ♡ chamber inserted and was out with a previous girlfriend. My arm started tingling and not a minute later, I was wheezing on the sidewalk wondering what the hell had stabbed me to make my chest hurt so much.
The doctors later diagnosed a severe ♡ attack, caused by a plaque-thing they'd been monitoring for a couple of weeks. Said plaque-thing had turned into a blood-clot and 'ding', heres your ♡ attack! Not how I imagined I would spend a Friday night.


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