My ♡ Shatters

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// Warning: Heavy gore and graphics //

Screams echo through my head, bouncing against my skull and ringing in my ears. They stick in my throat, just beyond the teeth. The scalpel shoves down on my sternum, cutting open layers of skin and muscle, my ears perking at the loud squish of juices.

Stop it, Stop it, STOP IT!!

And then the smell hits: a mixture of copper and grease flares in my nose, snapping my thoughts away from the pain and choking me. I never thought about the smell of surgery. I assumed it would be along the lines of more alcohol and latex, sanitary reasons and all. You could never imagine you'd be able to smell your own insides.

I'm gonna puke,,,

Flashes of asphyxiation come across my mind, stifling the wave of nausea. It's a short-lived distraction before a large saw drives into the fissure in my chest, cartilage popping and bones creaking under the strain. My nerves throb at the pain, feeling my breathing hitch at the squeeze on my lungs.

I can't breathe, I CAN'T BREATHE,,

The saw jolts my torso, a loud 'crack' sliding through the whir of the blades. Bone jabs at the flaps of skin, pressing dangerously at my lungs.

"Broken rib..that'll hurt tomorrow..", a flat voice laughs above me, sending fire through my head.

He's laughing, He's, LAUGHING,

I feel the pressure lighten, the saw taken out, and replaced with a cold metal against the sides of the incision.

Wait, wait, wait, what the FUCK is that?

Metal wraps around the edges of my dermis, hooking underneath and tugging lightly, sending spouts of agony through my clavicle.

"Take it nice and slow."

A crank sounds between my breasts, shoving away tissue and foreskin. A strangled whimper vibrates against my forehead, begging to escape alongside my wails.


This goes on for a while, my body shaking with the lever. Sinew pulls against the expanding bones, stretching and snapping back. Every crack sends fire up my neck, tingling along my jaw. The movement stops, the sound of my pulse thundering next to my screams.

I'm trembling at this point,,,I have to be, Can't you see that? Can't you see it?

A needle-like pain pierces the left side of my ♡, peeling at the layers of derma, arteries, and capillaries, squelching with blood and cholesterol. My mind is sent reeling with the burning that follows, the smell of burnt flesh overwhelming all other senses and filling my throat to the brim. The back of my lids burn white, a light-headed sensation crowding my head. My heartstrings heave and the world is suddenly very, very red.

♡ ♡ ♡

If you guys have any questions about this part, just tell me. I'm not really good at writing gore. "^^

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