The Inequality of Rejection

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"This is so not good" Jane murmured to herself as she gazed in horror at the boy across the hall who was currently trying to suck the face off the schools resident party girl, Mandy. She wasn't a slut... the guys that wanted her had to work really hard to get her. And it was her that put a notch in her bed post if she chose to get intimate, not them.

As a result, Jane couldn't even be jealous of her. She knew the girl hadn't gone after him. And she was human to boot. She wouldn't know he had a mate out there he was disrespecting, if only in principle. The notion of having a mate waiting for you just wasn't what it used to be anymore for a vast majority of the supernaturals younger generations. They mostly expected each other to have had other lovers by the time they finally met. Unless they were the double standard type, which most Alpha and Beta males and the occasional female tended to be still. It's okay for THEM to bed-hop themselves silly, but their mates have to stay pure as the driven snow. Stupid, I know. Jane thought to herself, as she drew herself away from the spectacle.

Being the Lore Keepers daughter as well as being one herself had it's perks. She knew that so long as the boy's eyes didn't focus on hers the way her's just had on his... he would not realize that she was his mate. And they were too far to scent each other, even if Jane wasn't masking her scent.  This would give her time to riffle through the Stacks of written histories and figure out what she could expect when he rejected her. Or, finding nothing there, she could tap in to Pack Memories. Because she knew he would, reject her that is. He was the Alpha's son and she was just the Lore Keepers kid. He would not be mature enough at this age to see the benefits of having someone like her as a Luna. He would be more concerned with the fact that she was... well, a Plain Jane, with ordinary straight brown hair that tended to lighten at the ends and gray eyes. And not exactly what anyone would call popular, pack or human. He would actually be arrogant enough to think he knew more than the Moon Goddess about what was better for him and his pack, when he became the Alpha. Stupid pup, Jane snorted quietly to herself as she hurried in the opposite direction, through the halls of the high school. Lucky for her, it was the end of the school day, and a Friday. She had actually been on her way to meet up with a friend of hers. Ironically enough, the very same girl the Alpha-to-be was playing tonsil hockey with. Yet another reason she couldn't be mad, Jane knew Mandy's personality all too well. Brayden never stood a chance, as Mandy had set her sights on him at some point early last week, which was all it took for him to in turn pursue her after she turned a sultry smile on him. Jane was even aware of it, she just never wasted her time looking at the spoiled Future Alpha's eyes until today. She knew who he was, how could she not?

But proper pack manners gave her the perfect excuse to simply ignore the annoyingly snobby kids of the higher ranking wolves that went to her school. And being the Keepers kid, she used the knowledge gleaned from the Stacks to either mute or completely mask her scent. This allowed her to glide right on past them all, with none of them the wiser for years. She hated the faux pack hierarchy in the school. The way the kids wore their parents ranks as if they themselves had already earned them. As though they had a right to lord over the lower caste wolves in the school. It was maddening. But Jane said nothing. She just wrote it all down in her journal, or recorded it with her phones camera when she could. She had every intention of adding this foolishness to the annals of the packs histories. These foolish pups would answer for their arrogance. It was amusing to her that they didn't know that as the future Lore Keeper, she was their Judge and Jury of how they would be viewed by future generations as well as the Elders Enclave. That and they didn't know she was there at all really.

As to her concern of being rejected, there had already been several rejections by the previous years students that had graduated. Those poor souls suffered so much during official Rejection Ceremonies, never mind any that occurred when someone didn't want anyone knowing who their rejected mate was. Jane had begun to worry how the Moon Goddess was going to react if it kept happening, she may slumber but that could change if she grew angry enough. Not to mention the inequality of the rejected having to feel as though their very souls were being rent in half. Or how whenever the one that did the rejecting bed hopped with someone who was not their mate... the rejected was subjected to searing agony for the duration of the sordid event. While the one doing the rejecting, feels nothing but satisfaction at being 'freed' from an 'unsuitable' mate.

So, Jane was definitely hitting the Stacks to find out what to expect. And what if anything she could do to mute or even block the side effects of rejection. The very memory of the rejections she had witnessed in the last few years had her picking up her pace and hip checking the door leading to the parking lot of the school. She could hear a voice calling her name behind her... It was Mandy.

Jane walked faster. She couldn't risk the chance that Mandy had Brayden in tow, so she hollered over her shoulder without looking back, "Can't stop and chat Mandy! Got a text from my parents, they really need my help at the store! I'll catch ya laters!" Then she gave a vague high wave over her head and fairly sprinted to her car. Opening the door while keeping her head down and eyes trained on what she was doing, she was able to avoid risking a glance at the school as she threw her bag and then body into the car before she peeled out of the lot and headed towards the towns center. Her parents had a book store there that acted as the front for the Stacks that were housed below in a secure room that only her family had access to.


Back at the school, Mandy watched perplexed as Jane peeled out of the lot as though the hounds of hell were nipping at her wheels. "That was really weird, she like totally bailed like someone was chasing her ass or something." She said to her newest flavor Brayden, as she turned to look at him with concern in her eyes. He was staring after the car himself with a narrow-eyed thoughtful look. Mandy took a moment to enjoy the view, and what a view it was. He was tall and buff with wavy hair that looked like he'd just had it grabbed and yanked. Oh wait... it just had been, by her. Mandy smirked in self satisfaction. His hair was a golden caramel color that set off his tanned skin perfectly. His denim blue eyes were just dreamy, and she was not the kind of girl to use words like 'dreamy'. He flicked his eyes back to her and smiled with that charming gaze that caught her attention to start with. "I'm sure she's fine. She did say her parents needed her right? I didn't get a good look at her, but she looks like the goody-goody type. So I wouldn't be surprised if that's what had her so spastic." He said with what Mandy was sure was meant to be reassurance. "You be nice, that's my bestie you're talking about! I know she doesn't run with your crowd or anything, but if I'm not mistaken, she's from the same weird ass commune as you." Mandy retorted. Brayden's gaze snapped to Mandy sharply, "She is? What's her name again?" He said almost urgently. Mandy raised a brow as she answered slowly, drawing out her friends name "Jane, Jane Keeper?" Brayden's eyes enlarge for a moment as he mouths 'Keeper'. Then he murmurs to himself, "There's been a Keeper in this school this whole time?" He looks back up to the street where Jane's car has long since disappeared down. Mandy furrows her brow at his mumbling. Maybe she was bit hasty in pursuing this one. He talks to himself.

A/N: so I forgot to do one of these for those who r used to them... this is actually the first book in a series. I intend to thumb my nose at a variety of cliches in each book... each book of course will have the main character refusing to just roll over and accept being rejected as though SHE is the problem... no Shrinking Violets crying so much they logically ought to be shriveled little bits o'were jerky in these stories! I will be gagging my way through a Shrinking Violet turns Spitfire Lady story within the series though...

That being said, when I bitch and complain about said Shrinking Violets? I'm not talking about the authors who's characters were tastefully done. Cuz even if they never got pissed and 'fought back'? They still managed to maintain a core of steel and never totally turn into a pathetic heap. Whiskeyqueenn's stories r like that... LB Keen, her characters always come out on top. Her Trixian series is my favorite and the women in that series get treated horrible in the beginning!

No I'm bitching about the whiny weepy little waste of space types. The ones who act like they have put up with being someone's second choice, or being rejected cuz they aren't a 'whore', or cuz they aren't a plastic ass Barbie wanna be, or richer than Midas, or any other stupid shallow reason to be rejected.

Get pissed off for f*cks sake! Get angry! You don't have to get violent or anything, cuz the best revenge against those that wrong you is to be happy and live well... is what I want to tell all those girls that tend to flutter off in a tear-filled flurry after just blubbering out their acceptance of a rejection they never deserved to start with...
Sorry, I have a hate-on for the subject😏

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