Trick Words and Bauble Shields

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For amorique12 ... a gift 🎁 sorry for making everyone wait so long for my chappies in general on stories😩... IRL chaos is no joke! The Wildlings are now all on the autism spectrum and I have a meeting with the Younger Wildlings school for his IEP evaluation today wish me luck!

Why does this elevator have that Goddess awful music? Is it just a standard feature in all elevators or what? Jane wonders to herself idly as the car glides down towards the lower level. Once it stops and the doors ding open, she strides out and makes for the heavily warded and pass-keyed door before her. A product of a rare cooperative between shifter and magic-born, the door had been a gift to the Packs first Keeper from a Wytch they'd helped with their gift at great risk to their own life against the will of the then Alpha. The selfless act having secured the favor of that Wytchs coven indefinitely for the Keepers of the Pack, as well as the laying of the special wards on the door when it was installed.

Having grown up around the Stacks, Jane knew this and something most didn't. The supernatural world was about more than just the seen. As a toddler, she had encountered wispy looking beings that inhabited the Stacks. They were nature spirits, drawn to the safety the wards surrounding the Stacks provided. As humans encroached on their homes in the woods with their 'progress', they had felt  forced to flock to the Stacks for sanctuary. Over time, the wards and the spirits began to feed on each other. It created an endless loop that was beneficial to both, as the Wytches found they no longer needed to reenforce them occasionally as they used to... A facet that only Keepers born to Keepers and the Wytches were aware of this symbiosis. It was not something they shared with Keepers born to outside families. One had to grow up in the Stacks to be aware of, for the protection of the wisps. Jane's own mother remained unaware of them, as had the kind old Keeper Jane had met briefly before he and his family had decided to leave the Teton pack to join his mates pack in his declining years. Janes awareness had only been properly acknowledged by a Wytches explanation when they had come to check the general condition of the wards and wisps when Jane was a preteen herself.

Jane murmured greetings to her old friends as she stepped up to the doors. The wisps had cleverly bypassed the wards and key codes upon having sensing Jane's decent in the elevator, and opened the doors for her. Jane didn't even have to break her stride, and walked straight through the doors knowing they would be closed a hairs breath behind her. Her target and focus was the shelves in the very back. Rejection was a very serious topic, and so seldom was it used that the shelves didn't need a prominent nor secretive location. Once there, she noted there wasn't much to choose from. Actually, there was all of one depressingly black leather bound tome. Grabbing the heavy book, she hefted it to the table nearest her and flicked on the lamp.

The pages were yellowed with age, but that was not shocking, it was after all a seldom needed relic, or used to be. The words were hand written, but thankfully still legible. And very informative. It read...'During an unjust Rejection the rejected can refuse to endure the burdens being forced upon them by the one rejecting them. They need only beseech the Moon Goddess by saying: "I (the rejected's name) acknowledge the rejection of (the rejector's name) by the Grace of the Moon Goddess..." IF the rejection is unjust, the consequences of the rejection will become the burden of the one to reject them. If the rejected is not spiteful, or feels the one rejecting them deserves not the consequences in turn either, and does not wish to inflict pain on the one rejecting them, they can protect them. Wearing pure uncovered Moonstone against the skin will block the effects of rejection from being felt by either individuals. The rejected must keep the Moonstone against the skin until both individuals have been mated and marked by another. If the Moonstone leaves the skin, the one evoking the rejection will again feel any pain associated with the initial rejection, or the pain of indulging in pleasure with another wolf being visited back upon themselves rather than the mate they rejected. If a rejection is accepted, moonstone will likewise protect the rejected from the effects as long the stone remains in contact with the skin. If one can not find moonstone, the rejected can still mute the effects of rejection by drinking an infusion of Moon Blossom Tea. Moon Blossom is a flower that grows among the herb Wolfsbane, but will only bloom during the full moon. The petals must be gathered before the light of the moon fades, or the tea will not have enough potency to relieve the pain of rejection and side effects of wolves who seek pleasure with those who are not their mates.' *** It is important to understand that if the Moon Goddess does not heed the plea of the acknowledgement... it will be for naught...***

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