That's not what usually happens, right?

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"I... Future Alpha Brayden Treton, Reject Jane Keeper as my mate and Future Luna." Brayden states firmly, maintaining eye contact with Jane.

Jane just stares at him blankly for a moment. Looking around the room she sees the building confusion on the faces around her, that she is having no reaction to the rejection. She turns a turns a bored look on Brayden, before a huff of mildly curious noise comes from her mouth.

"Huh. Oh, right. I... Jane Keeper, Acknowledge the Rejection of Brayden Treton as my mate and Future Alpha, by the Grace of the Moon Goddess." then she rolls her wrist subtly to break contact with the Moon Stone. Brayden's eyes widen in shock before he clutches his chest, then drops to the floor groaning in confused agony. In the panic of everyone trying to figure out what just happened, Jane slips the stone in to her jeans pocket, as the chain had just enough length to do so, even with it still around her waist, she then lets her T-shirt fall back into place over her pockets covering the chain.

She glances up and sees Trent watching her. She raises her brow at him in question. He shakes his head faintly. He has no idea how he knows, but he is certain he saw her put something in her pocket. What ever it was, it is likely part of whatever kept her from being in pain, but gave it to his future Alpha instead. Trent saw nothing wrong with that trade off. He never wanted the girl to suffer to start with. And really, Brayden could use a little bit of humbling. So he turns away and acts like he saw nothing. Jane smirks and steps back so that the others can get to the still mewling Brayden. She turns and goes to her parents. They pull her to them. "What was that Jane? What have you done?" Sara whispers to her child.

"You don't know Ma? I merely elected to acknowledge his rejection rather than accept it." Jane replies calmly. She watches indifferently as everyone but her parents flock and flutter around her now ex-mate, as he has slowed to a weak twitching upon the floor. As the pent up rejection pain has dissipated finally. They all have turned to gawk at her, clearly having heard her explanation.

"What? You didn't accept the rejection?!" Alpha Marcus growls at Jane, looking furious.
Jane raises a brow at him, then motions towards his son with one hand before responding. "Clearly, the Rejection was successful Alpha. If you were to ask your son, I'm sure he could confirm, he feels no Mate bond with me. Not that it meant anything to him before the rejection to start with, obviously." Jane shrugs carelessly, not even remotely moved by having lost a bond that didn't even last a full twenty four hours, let alone mean anything to the male that so easily threw it away.

Alpha Marcus's head swivels to regard his still whimpering offspring, who peers up at him pitifully before nodding his agreement at Jane's assessment. "It's true Father, the Bond, it's gone...there's this emptiness inside me now. I feel incomplete. That pain, it was horrible. I felt like I was dying inside." Brayden shivers. Alpha Marcus snarls silently as he turns to Jane. "Why did my son feel the rejection when he was the one to do the rejecting? I have never heard of this happening". The Alpha's displeasure is evident in his stiff posture as he stalks towards Jane and looms over her.

"Accepting a Rejection is for those who deserve it Alpha. I have done nothing wrong. Therefore, it's my Goddess given right to merely acknowledge the rejection. To acknowledge that the mate in question has decided he doesn't want to be with me. That he rejected what the Goddess herself has gifted him with. And that he is now on his own to deal with the consequences of that choice from here on out. I refuse to share in his fate from this moment forward... I'm no longer required to share or shoulder the burden of the choice he made." Again Jane shrugs, letting it be known she has no emotional investment in what happens to Brayden.

Alpha Marcus stares at her in numb shock. Never has a female shown such well... disregard for having lost such a powerful mate. This female seemed to think she was well rid of his son. It was a sobering thought really. Was this how he treated her own mother? He looked to Sara, who in turn seemed devastated. "I never had to accept his rejection? I never had to deal with his selfish manwhoring? No unjustified rejection has ever HAD to be accepted?!" Sara's voice gets louder as her questions get more intense.

Jane bows her head, wishing she had something comforting to tell her mother. "I'm sorry Ma, I just learned this myself, but the information is in the Stacks, which means that it has always been so. The knowledge has just been lost to us, or even purposefully been buried. Either way, now that it has been rediscovered, we have a duty to ensure that the consequences of any unjustified rejections are not visited upon the rejected." Jane gripped her mothers hands as she said this last part.

"WHAT are you are talking about?!" Alpha Marcus growls at the two females bonding in front of him. As though his son had not just finally pulled himself off the floor. As though the future Lore Keeper and ex-mate of his son had not just turned the tables on the way the Treton Pack had done things for generations. Jane turned a contemptuous eye to him before saying "You think my mother deserved to suffer the pain of a rejection she was dealt simply for being a Lore Keeper? A practice that's not even approved by our Elder's, let alone our Goddess? YOU should have been the one to suffer the burden, not my mother. Then it would not have mattered to her at all how many sluts you wet your wick with, since she wouldn't have known or cared." Jane scoffs at the offended look the Alpha dares to don at her words. "OH I'm sorry, does that bother you? The idea that she would not even remotely cared that you bed hopped yourself into a stupor after you denied the one thing the Goddess herself made for you? How typical of you High Ranking wolves to think that your 'needs' out weight those of others. That your mates are supposed to just meekly accept your whoring ways while remaining pure as the driven snow themselves. You disrespect the Goddess with your actions. And she will eventually reach a breaking point. You spend too much time around humans. You think you know more than SHE." Jane shakes her head.

Brayden grasps his fathers shoulder as he shakily steps forward. He stares at his ex-mate as she essentially declares war against rejection. Does she really think she has any power here? She is nothing more than a Lore Keeper. How does she expect to get her re-discovered knowledge out? As her future Alpha, he has only to Command her silence. Then she will be as helpless as her predecessors. And he should remind her of her place after the pain he just endured. Never mind that he did nothing more than experience what she would have in that moment. "Enough Jane." He says to her. Her eyes dart to his in a glare full of animosity. His wolf bristles at the fact that she and hers do not immediately submit. "You are the Keeper of THIS pack, or you will be, as soon as you are mated to a Choice mate that I and my father have selected for you-" his words are cut off by her loud laugh of disbelief. He crinkles his brow in confusion. "You will accept the mate we chose for you-" he begins again, only to be interrupted again. " NO I most certainly will not. Your grandfather and father have both proven to have no interest whatsoever in the happiness of your Lore Keepers, just in controlling them. I have no faith in your father or you as my Alpha, Brayden Trenton!" As she says this last bit, there is a ripple that flows through all of them at the soul deep level. Gasps escape from every person but Jane, even as she feels it. Something like a spiritual sonic boom has occurred and though they don't know what it means just yet, they know something has been set in motion.

A/n: aww snap... they dun messed up now 🤯 any guesses what's been set in motion after her lil declaration?

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