I.M // Anonymous

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The streets lights flickered as you walked down the dark and suspicious path. Your foot cautiously stepped on each pavement, being aware of all the crooks and bumps. Unfortunately, all of the safe paths leading to your house was blocked off with a "Road Closed" sign, leading you to have to go through an eerie and mysterious pathway.

The sounds of the creature dashing through the bushes made you jump and yelp. "Aishhh," you said, cussing under your breath. Despite the air feeling nice and cool, you felt frightened by the emptiness of the trail.

As you continued to slowly walk down the path, way, you heard something rattle in the bushes. Assuming it was another creature, you continued going towards your house without any thoughts. Suddenly, you heard loud footsteps following you quickly. Noticing you were being stalked, you began to ran. You were fleeing from the mysterious person successfully until your feet got tangled under a bundle of branches, causing you to trip on moist dirt.

A deep voice whispered into your ear, "You think you can run away?" Your voice quivered with fright as you exclaimed, "G-g-g-g-get away!" You felt him smirking as he replied, "I don't think so." Immediately, you felt a pair of hands wrapping around your neck. You tried to scream, but the suffocation withheld you from making any noise.

Someone from the other side hollered, "What do you think you are doing?!" However, the lack of oxygen withheld you from making a single noise and your vision faded into nothing but darkness.

You woke up to a sudden thudding noise, finding yourself in a hospital bed. You looked around the room, still confused on what had happened to you the night before. Suddenly, your phone began to ring, and you answered the call, noticing that the number was anonymous. As soon as you picked up, you heard a familiar voice, but couldn't recall whose voice it was.

The anonymous man told you to meet him at a specific address. You immediately ran out of the room, pulling off the needle punctured into your skin.

As soon as you arrived at the address, nothing could be seen except a table and a seat. A single lamp lit the table and every other part of the room was surrounded by darkness. Cautiously, you sat on the seat and patiently waited. "Hi... Y/N..." You heard a familiar voice say. Suddenly, the lights turned on, revealing the face of your first love.

"Changkyun... is that... you??" you gasped as tears built up. The familiar scent of dandelions filled the room as he walked closer, standing one feet away from you. "Y/n, you really remember me?" he asked as his hand wiped off the tear rolling down your cheek. His lips began to quiver as tears ran down his cheeks. You nodded slowly and wrapped your arms around his body.

"Why did you save me? You could've got hurt.." You whispered with a muffled voice. He smiled and pat your head lightly. "Y/n, I was just returning the favor of you saving me..." He replied. 


"CHANGKYUN, GET DOWN HERE NOW!!!" You screamed as tear droplets hit the ground. "Y/n, I have had enough of this disgusting life... I lost my opportunity to get into Julliard and my parents both died trying to support me... I don't deserve anything including a life." He said with a weak voice. You trembled until you saw his feet lifting from the edge of the building. "NO!!!" You screamed and ran and wrapped your arms around his torso pulling him towards you and falling back onto the ground. "Oww.. Y/n... wait... Y/N!!" I.M screamed as you felt something warm and sticky spreading from the back of your head. You smiled and pat his back as the last bit of consciousness left you. 

Suddenly, you felt energy to open your eyes and a bright light blinded your eyes as you got up again. "Urgh..." you said as indistinguishable voices filled the room. However, one voice struck you right in the heart. "Y/n???" a man said. Your fuzzy vision became clearer and you saw Changkyun with puffy, red eyes. He gasped and immediately pulled you into an embrace. "I'm sorry I made you go through this... now it's my turn to save you.." He said as a puddle of tears soaked your shirt. "It's okay.. I'm glad you're fine.."

(End of flashback)

"How did you know I was there, Changkyun?" you asked. He gave a soft smile and put a strand of hair behind your ear, saying, "I was near that road when I heard a voice screaming 'get away' and had a gut feeling it was you." More tears began to develop as you felt your heart melt by his words.

"I-Im Changyun", you said, as you bawled and held onto him tighter. "I love you... I will never forget you," you replied as you felt Changkyun lightly pushing you away. "I love you too," he said as his lips touched yours.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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