Chapter 1: Ponytails

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I woke up and immediately felt the cramps of the little motherfuckers in my stomach. I know for a fact that I’m going to love them because I’d be damned if I pop thing one and thing two out and DON’T love them but damn was all this moving around necessary, like I swear these mofos playin’ leapfrog. I crawled to the edge of my bed and tried to get up, but that’s when I realized I needed help, yes I am that big. I gave up on trying to get up by myself and just lied back down. I reached for my phone off the nightstand and dialed my main bitch Tweety.  “Hello.” She said.

“Hey bitch.” I greeted back.

“Let me guess you need help again.” she said back with a sarcastic tone.

I pulled the phone off my ear and gave it my ‘df’ face before I replied back with a “Yes.”

She laughed and I just mugged the fuck out of my phone like it was her. “Okay I’m on my way,” she said and just continued laughing so you know that bitch had to meet my friend called click. This bitch thought me being pregnant was the funniest thing when it’s not,  like bitch I’m pregnant when I need help your supposed either get yo’  Nappy  Nigerian head ass  over here to help me or call 9-1-1.

                No later than 15 minutes later she was coming up the stairs, yes this bitch had a key made. She came through the door all loud and shit popping her gum; yes I know this bitch is ratchet. “Hey Fatso.” She said as she threw her oversized Michael Khors bag on the bed next to me. Oh hell fucks no, this bitch tryin’ to lose her life.

“Bitch what the fuck is wrong with you? Don’t you ever fucking call me that shit again, Pregnant or not I don’t give a fuck I’ll still beat yo’ ass!” I yelled at her as she continued to call me that ridiculous nickname.

“Calm down, Momma Bee damn, I wasn’t being serious besides you know you ain’t fat, that’s just my lil’ nephew and niece.” She said as she helped me up and out of bed.

I grimed the fuck out of her then said, “Fuck you bitch.” Then I waddled my ass into the bathroom to get ready to go pick up the bae.

Now I know what some of y’all are wonderin’ about what happened between me and Tweety after what Smoke said, and I would tell y’all but I won’t because I’m a pregnant and just don’t give a fuck If y’all know or not, but this is how it all went down.


I was visiting my bae at the hospital and we were talking and he was telling me about how I need other people besides his goons to be friends with. Me and Lightbright cool but her ass done went all bridezilla on everybody so I haven’t seen too much of her when I dropped by the Hideout and Arrow was all like ‘you need to make up with ya’ girl Tweet’ yea he knew about everything that went down and he was all like ‘that’s in the past, that nigga don’t mean shit anymore, and I’m yo’ future.’ So I decided to humor him and at least try to be cordial with that bitch I mean we do still ‘work’ together.

 So I went over to her house to ask her about what that bitch nigga Smoke meant when he said ‘Ask her about Tonya’s bbq’ so when I got there she had that look on her face, that shit got me thininkin’ this bitch only have that look on her face when she know she done fucked up. We sat down her on her couch and I obviously sat down in MY CHAIR. “So I heard you killed Smoke hoe ass.” She said trying to make conversation.

I raised my eyebrow at her like bitch why you so tense. “Yes, yes I did.” I said being very curt with her.

“So-“she started off.

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