Chapter 2: Because I'm a nigga

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I reach over to the glove department and reach for my pistol, ready to shoot whoever dared to come into my home. Just as I was about to load the gun it was snatched out of my hand. I look over and see Arrow with the biggest smile on his face, he just knew he was about to get cussed the fuck out. “What th-“I started but got cut off in the most creative way. This nigga had grabbed the keys out of the ignition and hopped out the car, making his way to the door. What the fuck? I thought. I just shook my head and got out the car saying a few choice words about his ass not helping me out the car. He knows I’m pregnant as hell and he ain’t help me.

When I reached him at the door he was having a hard time unlocking it, I just stood smirking at him, clearly he didn’t seem to get that I had the locks changed. After about a minute or two of this he turned to me and mugged me, it’s about time he noticed. “The fuck is this?” he asked.

I just laughed at him then said, “New locks.”


“Safety.” I said simply he didn’t reply, clearly he understood now. I flipped the big silver handle up exposing the small keypad that was hidden under it, yes the lock was a decoy, I entered the code 2-7-15, my due date and the door unlocked.  The front door is the only one with a keypad, what Tweety has is the backdoors key.  We walked in I immediately knew who was here. Momma D.

We took off our coats and then followed the heavy smell of steak and loaded bake potatoes, Arrow’s favorite meal. “Hey ma’.” Arrow greeted his mother with a smile and warm hug.

“Hey sweetie.” Momma D said to Arrow then she turned toward me and hugged me with just as much enthusiasm.

“Hey Momma D.” I said to her as she let me go.

“Is that your new ride?” I asked.

“Yes, you know how we women have to do, we have to keep up our appearances, and just like purses we deserve the best.” She said back with a smile. I just laughed at her comment joining in the happiness.

I met Momma D about a month ago when I went to go visit Arrow and she was there. At first she was wary of me, because she ain’t want some random with her son, and I won her over with my charming ways and she invited me over for dinner to get to know her ‘wonderful daughter in law’ her words not mine, and we just became cool over time. She looks so much like Arrow with her warm brown eyes and thick long curly hair like Arrows, luckily for me she didn’t tower over me like Arrow but she was a few inches taller than me. She didn’t look a day over 30, the only thing giving her away is her slight sprinkling of grey in her hair.

“Hey sweeties how are you…and my grandchildren?” she asked moving her hand to my ever so noticeable bump.

“I’m okay just a little heartburn but that’s not as bad as thing 1 and thing 2 to stop playing leapfrog on my blatter.” I said in a joking tone, even though I was serious.

She laughed lightly as we all sat down at the island fixing our plates, “When I was pregnant with Big head over there,” she said pointing to Arrow who was stuffing his face not paying any attention to us, “I used to always have heartburn and he kept me up almost every night with his kicking and moving.”

“Well all I can hope for is for thing 1 and thing 2 don’t get their father’s big ass head.” I said eating my food in between our conversation.

She laughed at my comment before Arrow decided to actually listen to our conversation, “Now what you need to hope for is that they don’t get you height.” He said, playfully mugging me.

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