Chapter 3: Forgotten

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Chapter 3: Forgotten


We pulled up to the trap and got out the car, this time with him helping me. I walk into the trap and all I see is niggas ‘working’.  Niggas were weighing’ and bagging’ shit, just the usual things that go on in this trap. Arrow immediately went over to Tj, the paper work nigga. Tj is the guy who calculates the money we make.  I sat down on couch nearby while Arrow conversed with Tj about…who gives a fuck. After about 10 minutes of that he came and sat next to me then yelled, “Aye, listen up, there’s gone be some changes around here.”  

I just stared at this nigga like what the fuck? Did u really have to yell that damn loud. Arrow continued what he was saying. “Tj.” Arrow said with a sharp tone in his voice.

“Wha-“  Tj said turning his head, when It all happened so fast, Arrow had pulled out his hand gun that he always kept on him and had shot Tj.

The room had went silent the only thing that could be heard was my laughter. For some reason that shit was funny as fuck. All the workers eyes were big you could tell they were scared, but of course there were a few who didn’t look surprised. I just couldn’t stop laughing. Arrow turned to me and just smiled and shook his head at my reaction. “Fuck wrong with you?” he asked.

“No…thi…g….he…just…his…eyes…” I said in between my laughs.

Arrow just ignored me and stood up making his way to the middle of the room. “Tj here thought it was okay to steal from me.” Arrow said sounding eerily calm. “Who knew?”

Nobody said anything. “Y’all have been fucking up. You got otha’ niggas takin’ what’s mine and sales have been down. ‘Fuck is goin’ on?”

I stood up and made my way up to him then said, “I’m hungry.”

“Okay bae wait“ I gave him that face I only give crazy people and he noticed my face then said, “Okay we gone leave in a few just chill.” Satisfied with his answer I went and sat back down.

“Let this nigga be an example you fuck up you get fucked up, now get back to work.” Arrow said. He turned towards some nigga named Bank then said, “You got Tj’s job.” The nigga didn’t do anything but nod his head and finish what Tj started.

Arrow walked back over to me then said, “Lets go.” Then we left out the door like a boss ass couple.

~Time skip~

After going to check on ALL of the other trap houses we got something to eat we went back to the crib. It was about 9 and I am tired as fuck so I decided to turn in for the night, being pregnant is hard. We were laying down in bed me catching him up on everything like the biggest buyers and how we lost clients, and all that shit. “So I have an appointment on the 3rd.” I said to him.

“Okay what time?” he asked back.


“Aight we’ll go after we stop by my Uncle Crane’s to check up on business.”

I smacked my lips at him then said, “Whatever.”

He gave me a look then said “What’s going on bae?  You’ve just been so cranky today.”

I gave him a look like are you fucking serious, “Hmm, let me think… I’m pregnant as hell, you want to go to every trap house you know, my back hurts, and I have cankles.” I said listing off all of my problems.

“Okay well you being pregnant ain’t something to complain about, you’re havin’ my seed. Second, you know I have to check up on business, you don’t want to live that broke life, and lastly.” He said using his calm voice, he moved down the bed to my feet then said, “If your feet or back hurt tell me, I got you ma’.”

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