Chapter Two: "He's in love with you."

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The sun beamed on my face waking me up from my well needed sleep. I wipe my eyes, staring down at the beautiful girl next to me. A smile touches my lips as I recall the night before.

She was facing me, her mouth slightly opened as soft breaths left her lips. She looked so peaceful. So beautiful. I couldn't help but admire her as she slept.

"Beautiful." I whisper kissing her nose.

Lucky for me, she didn't wake up. That would be very awkward. I lay in the bed next to her, images from the night before evident in my head. And then I remember what she saw.

My tears. I was crying as my climax hit me. I didn't mean for it to happen. It just did. I've never had anything like that happen to me before.

I'm not the type to sleep around. I have had my share of relationships and heartbreaks, and this one night stand was definitely a first.

This is not something I do. I hate one night stands. But last night I just had to. She was so enticing.

I had been watching her since she came into the party. I know her friend Lisa through my friend Ryan. And when she said she was bringing a friend, I had no idea she would be that amazing.

So now here I am in her bed, he warm body next to mine and my heart putty in her hands. But I can't possibly be the one fore her. I've fucked up so many relationships, and I don't know how.

I can't fuck up her life either. But I want to try to have a relationship. Last night was amazing. And I know I won't be able to resist her.

I crawl out of bed, quietly getting dressed. I kiss her forehead one last time before slipping out of her apartment. As I walk out of the building, I take out my phone.

"Hey. This is Mr. Bieber. Can you make breakfast for a friend of mine?" I say getting into my range rover. I give them the address before heading to my house.

My cold and lonely house that I can't possibly consider a home.


As I predicted, Justin wasn't next to me when I woke up, nor was there breakfast being cooked in my kitchen. I sigh, raising up in my bed, my legs and back hurting just a little.

I head to my bathroom, washing my body of sex. I actually enjoyed the scent of him on me. It was unlike any other scent. It was amazing. But I needed to get that scent off of me.

After cleaning myself, I dressed comfortable in sweat and a t-shirt. I dry my hair, flat ironing it as well, and I put on some lip gloss. Why? I don't know.

I walk into my room, the smell of last nights events evident. I sigh taking off the sheets, and placing them in the washer. I return to my room, putting fresh sheets on, cleaning up a little.

Then there's a knock on the door. I groan inwardly limping to the door.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Breakfast service for Karina Brent?" A male voice says.

I furrow my eyebrows, opening the door.

"Hey. Um... I-I didn't order breakfast."

"Oh. Mr. Bieber requested it." The man dressed in a white chef jacket.

"And he sent you a note." He says passing me a paper. I open it.

I know I promised breakfast, but something came up. Sorry sweetheart.-JB xo

My heart broke a little. I knew he wasn't going to make me breakfast. I was just a one night stand. What was I expecting?

"Sweetie? You okay?" The chef asks.

"Um... I-I'm fine. W-why'd you ask?" I say my voice shaky.

"Because you're crying." He says.

At first I couldn't believe it. But when I felt tears falling on my hand, I quickly wiped them away.

"C'mon in." I say letting him come in.

Soon he was on my kitchen, starting on breakfast.

"You just relax sweetheart. I'll be done in no time." He smiles.

I smirk, sitting on my couch checking my phone. sitting there was a text from Lisa.

Hey girl. Mind if I come over;)

"Uh... Excuse me." I say waking into the kitchen.

"Yes ma'am?" The chef asks sweetly.

"Would you mind if I had a friend over?" I ask.

"Sure. I actually have enough for two. So the more the merrier." He smiles.

"Thank you... Um... What's your name?" I ask.

"Oh. Call me Remy." He smiles.

"Remy... Thanks." I smile warmly.

Sure. C'mon over:) I text her.

After thirty minutes, there's a knock on the door, I walk over opening it.

"Hey Rina Bina!" Lisa squeals hugging me.

"Hey." I mumble letting her in.

"Hey. What's the matter?" She asks walking in. "And what's all this?"

"Hi. I'm Remy." Remy says shaking Lisa's hand.

"Lisa." She replies. "Um... What's going on?"

I sigh, not really wanting to get into derail.

"Karina Brent. What is this?"

"Um... Justin came by last night." I groan sitting at my counter top, hiss as I slowly ease on the stool.

"Oh. My. God!" Lisa squeals.

"Lisa... Don't." I say lowering my head in embarrassment.

"So... How was it?" She asks sitting next to him.

"It was... Mind blowing. It was amazing. But..."

"But? There's a fucking but..." She says huffing.

"After we both, came... He was crying."

Lisa's mouth makes an 'o' shape.


"Karina... Do you know what that means?"

"N-no." I say nervously.

"Karina... Justin's in love with you." She simply says.

"What?! No!" I snort.

"Okay. Then you tell me. What did that mean?" She says waiting for my answer.

Honestly, I couldn't answer it. I had no idea what that meant. It never happened to me before.

"See? he's in love you with!" She sings.

"Lisa... It was just a one night stand. I'm pretty sure he isn't in love with me." I say nervously.

Is he?

(A/n: so... What do you guys think? Comment if I should keep going. Love you for reading😘)

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