Chapter Twenty Eight: The Life Ahead

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[Third Person]

<a year later>

As Karina slept in her bed, she felt a wet pair of lips on her nose. Scrunching it up, she smiles as her eyes connect with the beautiful hazel brown ones of her baby girl Aleena Rose.

"Hey mamas baby!" She squeals pulling her into a hug. Leena giggles as her mommie places kisses all over her face.

Justin stands in the door, smiling as he watches his daughter and wife share a moment. It warmed his heart seeing the two girls in his life, laughing and enjoying each other.

"Well look at this." He says, walking in.

Karina looks up, smiling at her beautiful husband as he strolls in the room wearing his casual clothes- tank top, jeans and sneakers.

"Hi hunny." She coos as he pecks her lips.

"Hi. Hey cutie. You woke momma up for daddy, huh?" He coos picking Leena up putting her between them as he lays in the bed.

At the age of only six months, Aleena had her own personality. She acts like her mom and dad at times.

"So... What are we doing today?" Karina asks.

"Well... It's a beautiful day. Let's go to the park or something." Justin shrugs.

"Okay. But remember your mom wants us over to her house by three." Karina warns.

"Babe. It's just 9. We'll be there." He says.

"Okay. Let me get dressed." She groans getting up. Suddenly Justin starts to fake cry, which makes her laugh. She knows when he does that he just wants a kiss, only because he does it to Leena too. She lays back pecking his lips and Leena's forehead before heading to the bathroom to change.

The Bieber's have been the news a lot lately. Mostly because of the beautiful wedding they had in the Bahamas and the lovely surprise Karina gave birth to nine months after that.

As they walked in the park, there were cameras everywhere, taking snapshots of them as they played with their baby girl. They even had a cute snapshot if Leena eating an ice cream cone, with ice cream all over her face and Justin smiling and laughing at her cuteness along with Karina.

After the park, they headed to Justin's parents house, Leena knocked out in her car seat. As they pulled up, Ms. Pattie and Jeremy meet them at the door.

"Pattie! How are you?!" Karina squeals.

"I'm great and you?" Pattie smiles.

"I'm wonderful. Aw look at grandmas baby!" Pattie says going over to Justin who was holding her on his broad shoulder.

"She's asleep, ma." He whispers, kissing her cheek.

"Oh... Uh. No she's not." Pattie giggles. I smile as Aleena's eyes pop open, a smile on her little lips. She raises up, looking around her.

"Where you playing sleep with me Leena Rose?" Justin teases.

"I think she did." Karina says, going over to peck Leena's cheek.

Soon they were in the house, laughing and talking. Enjoying family time.

Karina sighs in content as she watches her husband okay with their princess. She couldn't help the wide smile on her face. Her life was just were she wanted. She was married, and had a beautiful baby girl she thought she'd never have. She had a family.

And she couldn't wait for the life she had ahead of her.


(A/n: so this is the end of Novacane.

I may have a little sequel, but I'm not sure if it'll be cute, serious or both.

Comment what you think I should do.

Love you for reading and supporting my work😘🌺

@bestjbfanfics I hope I made you proud.😊)

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