Chapter 6: Slytherins Heir

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"Tori? Tori!", I heard Newt yelling behind me but I didn't dare to stop nor to turn around. I was pissed, pissed that Newt thought that I would leave Leta alone. Well, actually...he was right. After being chased by that monster and spraining my ankle.

I was confident to bring back my friend at any cost, even if it meant that I wouldn't come out here alive. The adrenaline was rushing through my body and I ignored the smell that filling the whole space here. Leta's whisper became louder and louder. There she was. Standing in the middle of the large room, speaking Parsel. She didn't seem to notice me but she was focused on the basilisk. I walked closer, my heart beating faster than ever. Leta scared me. I was afraid. Afraid of losing her. Then, I was behind her. One meter was between us. I reached out my hand for her and noticed that I was shaking. Damn Tori get your together! I put my hand on her shoulder, knowing that this wasn't a good idea.

"Leta...", I whispered.

My friend stopped speaking. It was absolutely quiet. She didn't move. She just stood there, here back turned to me and my hand resting on her shoulder.

"Leta...let's go back. Please?"

"I can't.", she replied whispering,"If I go back, they will torture me again. I have nowhere to go but here. He gave me a place to stay, Tori. He made me feel loved. He welcomed me."

"Who are you talking about?", I asked.

"Salazar. I have a mission Tori. He promised me that he will give me everything, I want."

"Leta, Salazar Slyherin died long ago. He isn't anymore."

She turned around, she was as pale as a corpse and her blue eyes had turned acid green. I stepped back as she stepped closer to me:"You know nothing Victoria! I will all the mudbloods, so no one has to suffer!"

"What are you talking about? Your parents are muggles, your sister is a muggle, you are a muggle!

"Forget them! Salazar has forgiven me for my sins! He gave me another chance and I will take it! No one can stop me, not even you!"

"Try me!"

Leta started laughing and put out her wand.

"Expelliarmus!", both of us yelled and our wands were on the other end of the room.

"That doesn't stop me Victoria.", she laughed and started speaking Parsel again. The basilisk released itself from the charm and rushed to towards me. I started running, although my ankle was sprained. I bit my lip to prevent myself from screaming.

"Finite incatatem!", I yelled hoping that the charm would work even without my wand. But it didn't. So I had no other choice than running, running and surprise surprise, running.

"Accio!", I yelled as I saw my wand. Damn it didn't work!

"Accio!", I yelled louder and my wand flew towards me, until I caught it.

"Finite incatatem!", I whispered and the basilisk stopped moving again.

I collapsed to the floor, still stating at the giant monster. I needed to breath and my lungs were burning.

"You managed to stop him.", I heard someone clapping.

I looked up to see Leta with...Newt? What?

"It doesn't matter Victoria. He will release himself, you know that. I just needed some time to find Newton. I didn't think that you would plan attack me Newton.", she spoke and eyed Newt carefully while pointing her wand on him.

"L-Leta. This is wrong-"

"You know nothing Newton! You don't know how it is being bullied by the Slyherins for being a muggle! You don't knkw how it is being abondoned by your parents for being a Slytherin! You know nothing! Both of you!"

"You are talking nonsense."

"No you are. And I can't even let you two go because you will warn everyone. I'm sorry Newton. Avada -"

"Crucius!", I shouted and Leta dropped to the floor, screaming in pain.

What have I done?

I covered my mouth and dropped my wand. I just knew of the unforgiving spells.
Newt looked at me with shock in his eyes while Leta stopped screaming.

"Leta? Leta!", I yelled, "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry Leta! I-I didn't want this. Wake up! Please wake up! Newt! Newt please! Do something! Help me!"

"Tori...", Newt wrapped his arms around me, "It's alright. I-It's alright. Leta w-will be alright. I promise."

I nodded and wiped away my tears:"We should get out of here. Now."

Newt stood up and carried Leta on his back. It was too late to go back to Hogwarts so we decided to go to Honeydukes, although it had already closed.

"Alohomora", I whispered and the door opened.

I locked the door as Newt walked in with Leta on his back. We tiptoed down to the cellar, from where we had come. I opened the secret door to the tunnel.

I signaled Newt to follow me. Long ago, in my first year I had discovered the tunnel. After a while, we reached the kitchen, where the elves were workman living. No one ever came down here.

"Miss James.", I heard Aurora the elf speaking,"Who is that?"

"Hello Aurora. I need your help. This young man is Newton Scamander and the lady on his back is Leta."

"How can I help you Miss?"

"Can we stay here for a few hours? I promise we won't disturb you."

"Of course Miss James. Whatever you wish. Do you wish to eat something?"

I looked at Newt and he shook his head:"No thank you Aurora, just a few blankets and pillows."

She just nodded and did as we wished. After a few minutes Newt spoke:"When did you find out about all this?"

"In my first year. I never really slept and kept exploring the castle. This was the first place, I discovered. I wanted to know how the food appeared in the Great Hall."

"I was curious about it too.", he smiled.

"Do you think she is going to be alright?",I asked while looking at Leta.

"You used the spell only once. I think she will be fine. Where did you learn it?"

"I learn a lot from my parents and uncle Albus. But Iearned that spell from books. I didn't want to use it Newt. I don't know why I did."

"You were afraid. I think I would've done the same."


"No, not really. But it's okay."

"Newt! I completely forgot that we didn't lock the entry!

"It won't fit through it. We can lock it tomorrow too."

"I will talk to uncle Albus."

"About the basilisk?"

"Yes. But I won't mention you, nor Leta-"

"You will get expelled, Tori."

"At least you two won't.", I said and stood up to explore the tunnel further and to be alone.

The headmaster had given me one last chance. If I something forbidden again, I would get expelled. Sneaking to Hogsmeade, fighting a basilisk and using Crucius was worse than forbidden.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2017 ⏰

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