First Blush

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One Blush and now what?

Chapter 1- First Blush

By StarDAy

A nice sunny day comes by often at Wonderbolt HQ, it was warm outside today for a perfect day for practice. The Wonderbolts are on a ten minute break before they have to get back to training for their next show in Cloudsville for the end of the spring season. Rainbow Dash was exhausted from practice because 'Bolt's had to train a little bit harder for end of the season. She was chatting with Soarin until her two friends Spitfire and Fleetfoot came and joined them.

"Hey Spits, Fleets, whats up?" Soarin asked.

"Not much really, FINALLY end of season. I get a break from teaching in the academy and training you lot," Spitfire replied.

"....But you love blowing your whistle and yelling, right?" Rainbow questioned.

"Yeah, I do." Spitfire replied.

"So, what were you guys talking about?" Fleetfoot asked.

"Oh, Dash was just telling me about what she was doing on off-season," Soarin smiled.

"I have a big plan. I won't name the list though," Rainbow smricked. "Looks like practice is about to start, we should get moving," Rainbow replied.

"Yea, I can't keep up with time. You go up ahead, we'll meet you up there." Spitfire told Rainbow Dash.

"Kay, also I need to stretch my wings seeya," Rainbow winked and pulled out her tongue while exiting the building. Spitfire and Fleetfoot's eyes followed the cyan pegasus until she exited HQ and then turned back to Soarin with smirks on their faces.

"WHAT??" Soarin shouted at the two mares.

"C'mon dude, you've been hanging out with Crash a lot, and I've seen the way you look at her 'cuz. Admit it, you like her, no LOVE her." Fleetfoot whispered into Soarin's ear and then' Fleetfoot yelled out the last part.

"I don't like her l-like that, w-were just friends and n-n-nothing else," Soarin's face was a tomato, he tried walk out of HQ but they caught up with him

"Come on, I know it." Spitfire giggled to Soarin.

"Ok fine I do, not cool you guys." Soarin said. Spitfire gave him a glare and left laughing with Fleetfoot. Soarin couldn't believe that Spitfire and Fleetfoot would ask him if he had a crush but might as well one day. He caught up with with the two mares already ahead of him. Soarin did like Rainbow for sometime now, well since the royal wedding. Soarin never thought that his two best friends would find out who he liked, no more like love.

"Hey Crash, ooooooo some pony's blushin," Fleetfoot winked at Rainbow.

"WHAT?? No I was, gottagobye seeyalater." Rainbow replied quickly while making her exit out of the showers. Fleetfoot was giggling when Rainbow Dash dashed away. She zoomed pretty far so Fleetfoot wouldn't see where she went. She was going to leave HQ for the mean time to get a few things from her house she left behind by accident, until she bumped into Soarin.

"SOARIN, OMG I am so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," Rainbow exclaimed. Rainbow was really close to Soarin they were nearly touching muzzles. Both pegasus blushed in embarrassment until somepony replied. Rainbow turned her head away from SOarin avoiding eye contact.

"Uh..........It's cool Dash, where ya heading to anyway?" Soarin asked Rainbow. Rainbow looked back at Soarin for a second thinking of an answer to replie to him.

"!!!" Rainbow quickly spoke and flew away faster than her usual speed. She didn't answer Soarin's question, Soarin was concerned what was up with Rainbow Dash just after she flew away from him. Soarin couldn't see what was wrong with Rainbow just after they went to the showers together. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash flew a bit slower once she reached to Ponyville to find a friend. She was going over to Rarity's for advice on what she should do with her new feelings shes getting on Soarin. She figured it would've been easier to talk to Rarity only because she knows a lot about the topic. She landed in front of her doorstep knocking.

"Rainbow Dash? What are you doing here?" Rarity asked.

"Um hey.....Rares......I kinda need your help," Rainbow replied. Her cheeks were bright pink like roses. Rarity let Rainbow Dash into her house and the two friends sat down to talk.

"Sure darling, come in. Would you like anything to eat or drink?" Rarity asked softly.

"Nah, I'm good. Just had some grub earlier in Headquarters." Rainbow replied.

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