Hey there beautiful

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One Blush and now what?

By StarDAy

Chapter 5- Hey there beautiful

Spitfire and Fleetfoot both walked up to Soarin planning to give him a bit of a fright. They slowly encountered there target as they got closer and closer to the icey blue stallion who was by his locker.

"Hey morning 'cuz!" Fleetfoot shouted.

Soarin got a shock through his body but it calmed down pretty quickly, "AAAHHH!!! Fleetfoot Spitfire, not funny you guys" Spitfire and Fleetfoot were laughing away and SOarin had a nice bright pink blush on his face.

"Sorry," Fleetfoot apologized. "But thats not were here for though, you've been seeing Crash eye to eye to much. Make a little hangout with her or something when were off-season."

Spitfire nodded in agreement. "Yea dude, I bet thats a good idea. We are really close to each other I just want to help and support you with who you like and everything like that too."

Soarin replied back, "Thanks you guys, honestly I've got so much advice I actually know what to do and I appreciate you guys helping me out to. All I hope is she likes me back though," Soarin smiled sadly. Fleetfoot gave her cousin a hug for good luck. "Thanks 'cuz, I don't want to go to mushy with you though."

"Yea me too, its weird but y'know I love you 'cuz." Soarin, Fleetfoot and Spitfire walked over to the mess hall to get some breakfast. The two mares walked along side with Soarin as Soarin's closet ponies. The three ponies reached up to the mess hall seeing that Soarin's crush and the rest of the team were sitting already at the table.

"Morning you three, where were you this morning?" Rainbow Dash welcomed them with a nice big warm smile.

Fleetfoot scratched her head replying, "Hmm, oh us three um just woke up early and had paperwork to discuss about. It wasn't much," Fleetfoot lied about the last part.

"Ok then, by the way breakfast is probably better then usually too," Rainbow said. Dude, use Raritys advice now. It's a good time, if you like him then do it. Don't be shy just do it ok, Rainbow thought. She was nervous now when she was near Soarin and blushing crazy at the minute. "Hey Spits Fleets, can I talk to you two after breakfast please?" Rainbow asked. The two mares agreed to Rainbow Dashes question.

The walked over towards the locker rooms while Rainbow Dash was telling them she was nervous about being near Soarin.
"And thats what happens like now I go crazy and my heart starts doing backflips. I have no idea what to do now, I got advice from Rarity but that doesn't help me now!!!!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Well, just flirt with him I guess. Just make the move and then it starts trust me I know right Fleetfoot, Fleetfoot...........FLEETFOOT!!!!" Spitfire shouted out the last part and punched Fleetfoot on the shoulder.

"OOOWWWW!!! Spitty, not cool dude." Fleetfoot whispered. "Sure and I listened to the whole conversation here y'know. Also maybe try that thing you did on the second day of you being a bolt what was that thing called, Rainbow Fash I think?"

Rainbow nodded her head sideways, "NO WAY!!!! Don't you remember what happened last time?" Rainbow shouted. "You were there yourself."

Fleetfoot face hoofed herself nodding her head sideways, "Maybe loosen up on the mane thing and don'ttalk about fashion, that would be weird."

"Really Fleetfoot, don't think that would help her." Spitfire disagreed with Fleetfoot.

"I have to say it might just work along with Raritys advice. Fleety your a genius thanks!" Rainbow flew away to find Soarin.

Spitfire face hoofed herself shaking her head Good job Fleetfoot what have you done.

Rainbow flew over to see if she could find Soarin and luckily found him close by. She hid among the walls of the next locker room thinking of what to act. All right Rainbow, he's right there just play it cool. Not to much like Rarity, maybe like in a little bit of a drunk way maybe and nicknames Rainbow thought of. She encountered Soarin with a smirk on her face slowly walking up to him. Soarin noticed the Rainbow maned mare but at first couldn't keep it cool.

Dude, remember play it cool no hard feelings ask her out now. Soarin gathered up all his courage to talking to her. She stopped and faced him closely, both gazing into each others eyes one rosey pink and the other emerald.

"Hey you, *giggles* hows it going?" Rainbow pointed a hoof up onto his chest and strolling it down through his fur. He was blushing made his face was like a plum.

Play it cool, play it cool ok. "Hey cutie," GGGAAAHHH!!!!!! WHAT DID I JUST SAY!!!!! SHES GONNA KILL ME!!!!! Soarin's mind was screaming like a boiling volcano. Luckily enough Rainbow giggled and blushed to the answer.

"So how you're going than you big goof," Few, good call Dash.

"I could say pleasantly well, you doing anything later?" Buck, you rushed it du-------wah she's so close to me now,AAAAHHHHH!!!!!! CODE RED CODE RED CODE RED CODE RED!!!!!!!!

"No not really," She gazed into his eyes up close only a few inches apart. "I was also wondering if you wanted to do something."

Few good call shes into me, "Yeah, maybe we could y'know go out like a date maybe like to a restaurant?" 3, 2, 1 she probably hates you now, good call bud.

"Y'know I actually wanna like go out with you so thats a yes hot stuff, maybe over in ponyville what time?" Rainbow asked using a sweet tone to her voice.

"Oh at seven tonight cutie I'll see you then," Soarin replied winking.

"Well, I guess I'll see you then. Pick me up at my house kay? Bye hot stuff," She replied putting her tail up onto Soarin's muzzle and flipping it around teasing with him. He blushed in embarrassment for a while when the Rainbow mare was trotting out with her bags. Soarin was looking over at Rainbows rump as she was exiting, he was distracted by a number of minutes Fleetfoot and Spitfire already had their bags ready and saw that he was distracted.

"Yyyyoooouuuuhhhooooo???? Anypony home?" Fleetfoot asked waving her hoof at Soarin. "Do you wanna date the girl or date her rump?"


"Nope just the last bit, finally you're back to reality gotta go though. Me and Spitty are doing something and you're on your own homey, we've helped enough see ya later dude!" Fleetfoot zoomed out of HQ when Spitfire was just looking.

"Ya me too I'm with her on whatever you two talked about, so see ya later dude!" Spitfire said in a singing voice dashing away.

Ok those two are just weirdos, at least she said yes to me. YES! Soarin thought of and got his bags and exited HQ to his home.

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