How do we get these two together?

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One BLush and now what?

Chapter 4- How do we get those two together?

By StarDAy

After Rainbow Dash finished her feelings in words written in her diary, she decied to call it a night. She was softly snoring like a baby foal sleeping. Hours had passed and it was 1am in the morning, Fleetfoot fell of the bed hard. She softly yelled in her pain of falling of the bed, she couldn't get back to sleep and decied to take a quiet walk. She saw a yellow bright light flashing out of nowhere, she went closer and it became brighter than the sun. She found a half asleep Spitfire in her office finishing of reports she had to do for the night. Fleetfoot came closer to Spitfire but she caught her.

"Fleet.........what are you *yawn* doing up so late? We......have........Prac-----" Spitfire said sleepily.

"Spity as your friend you look really exhausted, everything good?" Fleetfoot yawned.

"Nah, I'm good. What are you doing here anyway?" Spitfire asked.

"Well, I was kinda thinking about stuff lately an--" Fleetfoot answered but go interrupted by Spitfire.

"Lemma guess Soars crush?" Spitfire answered, Fleetfoot nodded back.

"I'm just a little worried about Soar even though if he's my older 'cuz but hear me out though. What if Crash hurts him?" Fleetfoot asked. Spitfire blinked a couple of times confused why Fleetfoot would be thinking low of Rainbow Dash for the time being. "I know it sounds so stupid but what if?"

"Look, we've known Crash for a heap of time. The best young fliers competition, the gala, Princess Cadences wedding, the Equestria trails and games, Wind Riders situation and from when she joined the 'Bolts. She's not the type of mare who would hurt Soarin, I can tell she loves Soarin I've seen the way she looks at him." Spitfire explained. Fleetfoot felt really bad talking down on Rainbow Dash but she was just worried for her cousin. "Fleetz I understand where you're coming from, it's normal. Soarin is your cousin and really close family and I know you want to be there for him but she would never hurt him, also my best friend." Spitfire told Fleetfoot.

"Ok Spitzs, thanks but also how do we get those two together? They've been looking eye to eye for too much," Fleetfoot replied.

"Well, I'm not to sure at the moment, set them up?" Spitfire asked.

"Nah remember back in high school when you got set up with a stallion you hated so much? I will never forget the look on your face *laughs*" Fleetfoot replied.

"And I haven't forgiven you yet. think of something,"

Fleetfoot shrugged, "Nope no idea, I know Soar like y'know loves her very much so um maybe.......GOT IT! Maybe leave Soarin and Rainbow alone together in the locker rooms after tomorrow and we watch how it goes. Tomorrow we'll tell Soar how we can help good plan?" Spitfire agreed with the plan and decied to head up to the bunks with Fleetfoot. They walked together over while Spitfire was carrying a few reports over to the bunks to put in her bag.

They both reached the bunks seeing everypony snoring away in there sleeps. The two mares both tip toed over to their beds without waking up anypony. Reaching their beds they, Spitfire was ready to retire in her bed drifting of into her slumbers while Fleetfoot stayed up a little longer. She crawled into her bed looking over at both Soarin and Rainbow Dash wondering if her plan will work.

This has to work, Soar loves that girl and I need to make sure a good cousin I support him and help him through what he wants to make him happy. Also remember, I wonder though if Rainbow likes him back too though? Meh whatever just go to sleep, goodnight me and goodnight world. Fleetfoot shut her eyes and drifted of into her dreams.

The night was cold and dark but it turned morning very quickly. Soarin's eyes open only to see all his teammates and friends still asleep in their dreams. He sneaked of over to the lockers but Fleetfoot got her attention focussed on the sleepy staliion and nudged Spitfire on the shoulder.

"Psss bestie, hes awake lets tell him." Fleetfoot whispered into Spitfires ear nudging her once more.

Spitfire didn't respond to Fleetfoot's wake up call and slept talked instead. "Dad, I don't wanna wake up. Wake me tomorrow please," Spitfire slept talk.

Fleetfoot was annoyed that the first time in forever Spitfire didn't wake up. "I'm not your dad,"

"Then mom don't wake me up ever," Spitfire snoozed away to tired to get up. Fleetfoot immediately pushed her of the bed while her landing on the floor.

"OOOWWWW!!!!!!" Spitfire shouted but luckily no pony woke up. "Huh....wha-wait you're not my parents, FLEETFOOT!!!!! You better have a good reason why did you just shove me of the bed?"

Fleetfoot chuckled a little bit but it broke. "Sorry bud, it's just our boy has already gone over to the mess hall. I heard him wake up!"

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Spitfire asked. She was making sure she was keen on this agreement she had set up with Fleetfoot.

"I'm sure, trust me. If we need more help we go over to where Crash lives without her seeing us, okay?"

Spitfire gave Fleetfoot her confusion face towards her because she couldn't process the last bit. "Um, now I'm just confused but ok lets do it then."

"YEAH US!!!! Spitty and Fleety always work together, hoof bump?"

"Meh, why not. Hoof bump. Lets go before he leaves for off-season."

Spitfire and Fleetfoot snuck away without letting anypony catch them out and luckily made it to the door. They went over to Soarin finding him in the locker rooms grabbing his stuff and packing it in his bags ready to take the off-season.

"Well Fleet, here goes nothing. Good luck to you," Spitfire replied with a smile.

"Good luck to Spitty,"

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