Temptation is Killing Me (Beyoncé & Kelly) Pt. 1

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Bey and I were enjoying a mini-vacation before we started recording for our next album. I say mini because we only had two weeks, which is actually a lot for us. You could say we're workaholics. But we like what we do, so we don't mind.

In fact, sometimes it seemed like Bey didn't even know what to do with herself with all the free time. She wasn't used to it.

"Bey," I called, lightly shaking my friend.

She was peacefully sleeping in her room. When she didn't budge, I shook her harder.

An incoherent grumble was the response I received. She then began to stir. A frown now lay on her face instead of the gentle smile that had been there seconds ago. 

"Bey-Bey, let's go, girl," I said. "Let's get to it." I clapped my hands. I laughed knowing she was going to hate me for disturbing her slumber. 

Bey opened her eyes and glared at me.

"What, Kelly? Leave me alone!" She tugged her pink and white comforter over her head.

"Don't you want to go to the mall?" I asked, sitting on the large bed.

It was better for us to go early, that way we wouldn't have to deal with a ton of fans and the chaos that comes with it sometimes.

"No, I want to sleep," she responded curtly. "If you're not getting in, then get out."

I pressed my lips together inwardly, attempting to prevent another laugh.

I sighed and then an idea came to me. A mischievous grin etched my face.

"Beyonce..." I called, thoughtfully.

"Hmm?!" she hummed, irate.

"I forgot to tell you there's food downstairs. Your mama picked up Chicken and Waffles."

It was a lie but I'd take her out to eat to make up for it.

Bey suddenly shifted again. The comforter slowly descended and revealed her face. Success! Just as I knew it. 

"If you are lying, so help me God, Kelly," she warned, her voice thick with sleep.

Now my hopes were gone.

Bey narrowed her eyes at me and then smirked knowingly. "Nice try." She turned on her side and closed her eyes again.

I sighed to myself, defeated. It didn't look like she'd be waking up any time soon. I went downstairs and decided to pick up some breakfast for Bey and me. We had all this good food in the house but I didn't know how to cook. Plus the Chicken and Waffles was only four blocks away and I felt like getting fresh air.

As I waited for my food, a guy called my name. 

I looked up to see Brandon. He was so handsome. Brown skin, beautiful white smile, and always smelled good. We attended Nat Turner Middle School together. And now he was in college. 

"Hey Kelly," he said, pleasantly.

"Hey! How you doin'?"

"Not too bad, just hungry. And you, superstar?"

"Oh, stop," I flicked my hand dismissively at the mention of "superstar."

"What? You are." He continued to smile.

I rolled my eyes but smiled as well. "It's good to see you. Are you still in school?"

"You know it. Only one more semester left and then I'm out of there."

I tilted my head adoringly. "Aw, that's so good. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you," he said graciously. "It's a shame we're both so busy, well, you're probably busier than I am, but-"

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