Temptation is Killing Me (Beyoncè & Kelly)Part 7

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Kelly's POV

Of course my mother invited over some extended family members who found out I was in town. I was glad my cousin Janelle was visiting. I also was happy to see two of my baby cousins, who took a liking to Bey. We still weren't speaking but we didn't want to create any drama in front of my mother so we kept it cute.

"You got a boyfriend?" my cousin Reginae asked. We were in my room nursing drinks while Temptation played in the background. My favorite question. Except naw.

I shook my head no.

"What about Nelly? I heard y'all have a thing."

I made a face. "Where'd you hear that?"

She showed me her Black Hair magazine where inside there was a quote from Nelly saying he thought I was cute. Mathew. I knew this was his doing.

"Well you're hearing it from the horse's mouth, there ain't nothing going on," I said, pursing my lips.

"Girl, he is foine," Reginae commented. "Anyway, where Beyoncé? And Michelle?"

"I think she's with Darius and Angel, and Michelle is with her fam."

"I'm gonna go find Beyoncé," Reginae decided and walked out.

Janelle looked at me and I laughed some.

"Phew, she is exhausting," Janelle said. "I mean, that's my cousin, I love her..."

"I feel you," I said, amused. "She is infatuated with Bey, though."

"Oh, I know, the whole family knows," Janelle replied.

"So how's college?" I smiled.

"Well, I recently became the president of the African American Studies committee."

"Janelle, that's great!"

She nodded once. "Thank you. You know it's something I'm passionate about."

I did know. Janelle was woke as hell and beautiful. She was also bisexual.

"Janelle?" I called, thoughtfully.


"How many people did you come out to?"

Janelle looked at me with extra interest and smiled knowingly. She sighed peacefully. "Two. My parents. I was terrified. But I had to do it. I needed to set myself free."

I nodded, deep in thought. "I came out to my mom."

"How did she take it?" she asked delicately.

"She already knew. But she hasn't changed towards me, so that's good."

"That's more than good. You are one of the lucky ones."

I smiled lightly. "Not that lucky. If the public finds out they're going to look at me differently."

Janelle frowned in thought. "Damn. I can't even pretend to act like I know what that's like." She paused. "But what I will say is, don't feel like you have to share your whole self with the world. There are parts of you that you can keep to yourself without denying who you are."

It was the pretending I was more so concerned about. But nonetheless, Janelle's positivity made me feel better. I thanked her and then we went back downstairs because we were hungry again. My mother had catered food from one of our favorite soul food places so we had the works: fried chicken, barbecue chicken, macaroni and cheese, potato salad, candy yams, collard greens, string beans, and cornbread.

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