Temptation is Killing Me (Beyoncé & Kelly) Pt. 3

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Bey's POV

"What is that supposed to mean?" I questioned my father.

"Matthew, she's not a lesbian," Kelly piped up. The way she looked at him so incredulously was convincing. She deserved an Oscar.

"It's coming to my attention that people are starting to wonder about you," Dad claimed.

Kelly and I exchanged "wtf" faces and my dad just sat down and opened up his briefcase. He took out a manila folder and then some papers, an arrogant smirk on his face.

"I have here all the comments—so far that have been made about your sexuality," he said. He began reading these "comments."

Beyoncé is fine af but does she even like guys?

Beyoncé is always praising other women's beauty and sex appeal. It's cute but makes me wonder.

Did anyone notice Beyoncé checking out Tyra Banks' cleavage in the interview?

Yeah, Bey had to force herself not to look at Tyra's boobs.

That's not the first time she's done it either

I ship Beyoncé and Kelly. They so cute <3

As fine as Beyoncé is, someone should be hitting that. How long she gonna stay single for?

I listened as my father continued to read these comments from the Internet, but I was stuck on the one about Kelly and me. See, I wasn't the only one who knew we should be together.

"You think this is funny?" Dad asked, noticing my smile.

"It kinda is," I replied. "People have too much time on their hands if they're trying to figure out my sexuality."

I saw Kelly nod in agreement through my peripheral vision.

"We can't have people thinking you don't like men, Beyoncé," Dad said matter-of-factly.

"Who said I don't?" I put my hands up. I was starting to feel exasperated.

"I used to think you were just focused and driven, but I'm starting to really think you're a lesbian," he responded.

"And what's wrong with that?" I challenged.

Kelly released a sigh.

"Huh, dad? What's wrong with that?" I urged. We stared each other down.

"You're a sex symbol, you can't not like men!" he raised his voice.

"That's the stupidest thing I ever heard!" I raised my own voice.

"Okay, okay, stop it!" Kelly interfered, standing up and in between my father and me.

For once my dad shut up and gave Kelly the floor.

"Matthew, you got it mixed up," she said.

I raised my brow. What was this girl about to say?

"Beyoncé's not gay. I am," she lied right in his face.

My father struggled to find something to say. He just looked back and forth between us and then gave up, shaking his head. Without another word, he left the room.

"Why did you do that?" I focused on Kelly.

"I told you I love you too much to put you in this position," she muttered.

I moved closer to her. "I wish you loved me enough to be mine."

In typical Kelly fashion, her pretty brown eyes darted to the staircase to see if my father saw. I didn't care. He pretty much knew about me.

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