The Fifth Letter

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Dear Friend,

"Excuse me, please hold the elevator door for me," I said running like hell towards the elevator. "Oh shoot."

I just accidentally bump into Mr. Salvador. Up close and personal. Just like Sarah said to me last time, he was a very serious person. He was also a one-fourth British and one-fourth Korean. It took me by surprise that he holds the door when I shouted for it because he doesn't ever do it to others.

"I am terribly sorry sir," I told him. "I didn't know it was you."

"it's alright." He said looking straight forward. "Aren't you early for work?"

" Yes sir, basically, I have to finish some work," I answered. "The assistant of my department manager is putting me into a lot of pressure since the department manager was a close friend of mine."

oh shit, why did I told him that?

He looks at me with his curious eyes and he suddenly looks surprised. "So you're Mickey's girl?"

"No." I almost choke out. "He was just my best friend."

He sighs, with relieve. "I thought you have been taken my dear cousin from..."

"What?" I laugh. "And why would I do that. He was like my brother and nothing more."

"what do you mean?" he smiled at me, probably will be my favorite one.

"Well, the two of us have grown up together and I couldn't really see myself being together with him since I love him as a dear brother." I smiled.

"Well, that's good to hear." He smiles again. "So what about his assistant?"

I almost forgot that I slip. "Well, could you not tell Mickey? I mean, I just don't want to burden him about something like this."

"Well, I don't think that there is anything wrong with that since you obviously know that she was jealous of you." He said. "This is a workplace and not some kind of romance building where you have to find some you can flirt with."

"I know Sir, but let me finish my work." I smiled. " and it's not like I am going to stoop down on that level."


My letters to my Boyfriend (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now