The one that never gave up

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You see this? This is the face of go getter, an achiever. I'm not ever giving up. I see those challenges as bumps in the road. I see those failures as lessons learned, I see all the haters as my biggest fans when I get famous. I wanna talk life by the balls and show it who's boss and who makes the rules. I won't give up even when my lungs give out. When everyone says I can't I'll prove them wrong and do it.  I look at the world and it as a single apple slice in an entire pie. I hear music as if they were  writing to me. I see something and I want to make it something of my own. No matter how many times I fail I'll get back up and keep going. And when it gets hard  and I can't go on, I'll ask for help CSU's there is nothing worn asking for help. I'll cry and laugh. I'll get scared but never show it. You don't know it but it's true, you can do anything you put your mind to. I'll use my imagination to show me my perfect future. I always tell myself "I can do it, I can make it, I'll put on a show, I'll be something, I am worth it, nothing can ever make me give up.''  You van see your future if you try to make it. I can make it anywhere. I'll show my haters that they were wrong. I take the steps, I'll cross ever ocean ever mountain ever river, I'll do so,etching great. Everyone with will know I was here. Everyone will know my name. When they say my name they'll remember all that I did. They'll remember how I made the world a better place. Everyone will love me. I'll be a somebody. I won't give up. Not now. Not ever. I will make friends and become stronger wit every one of them. When I get sick I'll keep going. When I'm starving from hungry cause I won't quit working I'll keep going. You may call me crazy or a physcopath but I would call me a go getter. Whenever someone is mean to me or hating me I'll keep going and show them I am me and what I am is perfect.

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