The One That's Never Enough

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You get picked last. Every time. You argue and fight with your lover. You're naive and blind to the world they call happiness. You hate my lovers best friend and they told you to either learn to like them or to break up with them. After 13 months of saying They'll always choose you over anyone, and they just proved that's a lie. They say they'll never leave but they do everyday for hours. People feel like they need to leave all the time, cause I'm not good enough. You try your hardest to make everyone feel loved and feel perfect. You give pieces of yourself away to the people who need them and them you end up with nothing for yourself. You give every ounce of love and happiness to the world but you're still not enough. You try to be prefect and you make yourself the way people want you to be but you're still not enough. No matter what you do for people, no matter how much you break yourself for everyone you'll never be enough. You'll fade away. You'll be a shadow. You'll be nothing. One star that tried to shine but just faded away. You'll see how much you've done for everyone and how bad you're broken. You'll feel like a flat tire. Unless and garbage. You tried to turn your faded heart into a star for someone else. You give up your soul, just to have a friend and feel wanted. You'll do anything to see how it feels to be enough. You don't want to feel faded or lost. You don't want to be blind of true happiness or love, you'll want to look it dead in the eye. And then when you finally get all of'll still not be good enough. You have to be the way the other people are just like them. You'll see love or happiness. You'll never be enough or fine. You'll start to see how amazing you are so you give up. Then people will realize that they need you. They'll see how much you did for them, they'll miss you. But you won't be there, you'll show them that you are good enough by yourself and you don't need anyone to make you feel worthy. Then they'll feel like they're not good enough but you show them that everyone is perfect the way they are by themselves. You'll see happiness and see love. And feel great.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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