Chapter 1: Not Again

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Hello everyone. This is Imo and I have come back with another Lawlight Fanfiction. Enjoy.


Light huffed, exasperated. "Ryuzaki, this is the fourth time you're choosing this movie!"

"I like this movie," L said in his signature expressionless drawl.

Light was standing on the sofa, his arm outstretched above him, firmly holding the remote away from L's reach.

L was also standing on the sofa; although his posture was slightly more mundane, his hands buried in his pockets. He was looking at Light with calculating eyes through the stands of his unkempt hair.

"I know. But four times is just a bit too much." Light lowered the remote by half an inch, starting to feel a slight pain building in his arm.

"It is my turn to choose, is it not?" L tilted his head to the right.

"Yes, but don't you think you're being a little inconsiderate making me watch the same movie four times in a row?" Light was starting to get irritated.

"It is not in a row as Light-kun did have his turns in between."

"You know what I mean, Ryuzaki. You can't pick the same movie twice," Light stated... again.

"I respected your choice when it was your turn." L took a step forward, the chain connecting them clanking in response. "So why are you not respecting mine?"

Light huffed again. "Because Ryuza-"

L stretched his arm up to snatch the remote from Light's firm grip, keeping a hand on his shoulder for support. He tiptoed and his back straightened only slightly to reach Light's height. As he moved forward to reach the remote, his hair brushed against the side of Light's face.

"If Light-kun changes the movie, his percentage of being Kira was increase from 46% to 51%." L took two steps to his side of the sofa before sitting down with his knees to his chest.

Light's mouth fell open. L can't do that just because of some stupid movie. "Ryuzaki. Don't you think you're being a little childish right now?"

"Me? Childish?" L asked, innocently pointing a finger at himself. "I think it is Light-kun that is actually acting quite immature." L had a small smile playing on his lips.

When did L ever smile? Light lowered himself onto his side of the sofa, sitting in a more ordinary manner than L and let out yet another huff of annoyance. He told himself that he only gave in because L was threatening to increase his percentage.

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