Chapter 3: The Song

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"Light-kun," L called, as he proceeded to poke the boy in the cheek again. Light had fallen asleep while watching the movie and his head had slowly fallen onto L's lap. " Wake up Light-kun," L said a little louder. Light stirred before his eyes flickered open.

L didn't have a problem with him sleeping there. It wasn't as if L was going to sleep anyways. Suddenly, Light's eyes opened fully and he shot up into sitting position narrowly missing L's face. He probably just realised what an awkward position he had been in.

He slowly looked around and realised that the movie was still on. He must've fallen asleep while watching it. Light looked at the screen and noticed how it was nearing the end of the movie. The final song to mark the end of the movie started. The lyrics caught Light's ear.

And you're always free to begin again,

And you're always free to believe.

When you find the place that your heart belongs,

You'll never leave.

Light furrowed his eyebrows. "The movie is finished, Light-kun. If you would like to sleep, we can leave now," L said.

Light turned his head to L, his words breaking him from his thoughts. "Isn't this part of the movie?"

"Yes but it is unnecessary." L stood up, turning to walk away.

You and I was always be,

Celebrating life together.

I know I have found a friend forever more.

Light cringed. How very immature these lyrics were. A tug from the chain made him stand up. He followed L, the song fading from the distance. He was really tired.

Love is like a melody,

One that I will always treasure.

Courage is the key to open every door.

And you're always free to begin again,

They reach the stairs and silently climb them. Silently they entered the room. Silently, L stood on the other side of the en suite bathroom as Light brushed his teeth and changed. Silently Light climbed into bed, L sitting next to him with an open laptop. "Goodnight, Light-kun," L said quietly, chewing his thumb.

"Goodnight," Light mumbled, as sleep overtook him.

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