Chapter 4: What is Love?

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Light opened his eyes, sensing a pair of eyes on him. His body jumped as his eyes focused on L's face that was just centimetres from his. Light was confused at how he could keep the same straight face. "Good morning, Light-kun. It is time for breakfast."

Light turned his head to the bedside table to look at the clock. The numbers blinked back at him.


He sighed. " It's only five am, Ryuzaki. Let me sleep," Light said, petulantly turning his head the other way, burying it into the pillow.

"I'm hungry."

Light felt a weight around his waist. He took his face out of the pillow to find L sitting on top of him, pulling at the chain connected to his hand. "You probably have a stack of sweets under the bed," Light said, finding it very hard to breath.

L put his thumb between his teeth and smiled slightly. "How did you know?"

Light scoffed, pushing L off of him. He rolled out of bed. There was no point in trying to sleep now. He as making his way to the toilet when the cuffs tugged at his wrist.

He turned around. L was sitting on the bed, with no intention of moving. "Ryuzaki, I need to brush my teeth," he deadpanned.

"I think I'll just eat the sweets under the bed." L reached down.

"Ryuzaki." Light gritted his teeth, looking at him annoyed.

L looked up at him and smirked. "Light-kun gets irritated very easily." He got off the bed and stood in front of thr door leading to the bathroom. "You can go and brush your teeth now."

Light walked to the door, annoyed that he had to brush past L to get inside. He closed the door and quickly brushed his teeth and came out. Then they both walked down to the kitchen.

"Isn't Light-kun going to change his clothes?" L asked, following him down the stairs.

"I'll do it after we eat. We still have alot of time left," Light answered.

After entering the kitchen, they both headed for the fridge. L pulled out a box of cake. "Does Light-kun want a slice?"

"No thanks," Light said, taking out some frozen pizza. He put it in the microwave. He made some coffee before taking the pizza and sitting down on the chair opposite L.

They started eating. L paused to look at Light. "What do you think about 'love'?"

Light looked up, surprised. "What do you mean?"

"What is your perception of 'love'? There are certain people who say they believe in it while others claim they do not. What do you think?"

Light what used to L along him questions while they are breakfast but this topic shocked him. Why was L suddenly asking about 'love'?

Light thought for a while before answering. "Well, I think it's rather ridiculous to day you believe in love or not. It's something that's inevitably there. It would be like saying you don't believe in happiness or anger. However, there are different types of love. There could be love between family members. Love between friends. And then theres romantic love."

"How does someone come to 'love'?

"Well... for family it'd be the need to protect them. For friends I'd say it would come from enjoying each others company and that they can share any of their worries with them. For lovers it would also probably come from enjoying each others company, or lust."

"I do rather enjoy your company. Does that mean Light-kun and I are friends?"

"Hmm... I guess." Light looked into L's eyes, looking for some indication as to why L was asking him this.

Suddenly, there was a sound of a loud thud. Light jumped. "Ryuzaki! I'm here to start working!" came Matsuda's cheerful voice. L rolled his eyes.

"Well, I think I should go and get changed now."

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