Chapter 5: Chewing Gum

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Light took a deep breath in and blew it out slowly, trying not to get irritated by the sound of L unwrapping his chocolate and chewing on it. L had been acting ridiculous since Light's date- or Light and L's date with Misa. Light touched the tender part of his chin L kicked him and winced. He sighed.

"Hey Ryuzaki and Light," Matsuda called. Light turned, giving him his attention, noticing how L's eyes were still glued to the screen. "Do you wanna go out with us for lunch? We're going to the noodle place just down the road." The others started leaving the room.

"Yeah, su-" Light started.

"No, you guys go off on your own," L interrupted.

"Can't Light come?" Matsuda asked slowly.

"No." L lifted his cuffed wrist. "We're chained together."

"Come on Ryuzaki, it's just this one time. Let him come with us. We'll keep a very eye on him."


"Then you come too."


Light sighed. "It's okay you guys. You can go without me."


"Don't worry. You can just bring me some back."

"Okay..." Matsuda frowned, walking out of the room.

Light grit his teeth staring at screen. Why was L acting like this? Light took out a chewing gum and put it in his mouth. He wasn't bothered to get up and get food because that meant acknowledging L. He chewed, the mint flavour filling his mouth. The sound of his chewing echoed throughout the empty room.

"Could you quiet down a little?" L tilted his head towards him, his black eyes boring into him.

Light ignored him, chewing even louder.

After a few minutes L asked again, "Light-kun, please stop making that ridiculous noise."

Light pretended that he was reading the paper in front of him very intently. His eyes travelled to the computer screen in front of him where he could see the reflection of L staring daggers into him. Light almost smirked.

"Light-kun..." L said.

Light almost gasped when his chair was suddenly spun around and a pair of lip slammed into his. Light was too stunned to react. A thousand thoughts went through his head. Like someone as cold and pale as L had surprisingly warm lips. And that there was literally a tongue being pushed around the inside of his mouth.

The heat went as fast as it came. Light blinked as he watched L take a gum out of his pale mouth with his slender fingers. "I did tell Light-kun to stop." L threw the gum into the bin under the table and turned back to work.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2017 ⏰

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