• part 7 •

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Mollie's POV
I feel really uncomfortable. I'm starting to breath heavily. I'm shaking because I haven't eaten in days and I feel sick.

Ethan gives me a concerned look.

"Are you alright?" He rubs my bony arm.

"Oh my god! You're so skinny!" He yells. I just nod and look at my feet.

"You need to eat something, come downstairs with me and I'll get you whatever you want" he gives me a warm smile.

Wow; I can feel my eyes watering. Nobody has ever been this caring about someone like me before.

His enormous hand takes my tiny doll hand and leads to the kitchen. I can hear voices of others when we're at the top of the stairs so stop. "Ethan!"

Ethan's head shoots around and looks at me. He phews when he sees that I'm okay. "What if your family hate me? Or don't want me around? Or-

Ethan cuts me off by placing one finger on my lips while saying "shhhhh".

"How could they not love you to bits? your adorable! She says caressing my cheek.

"O-okay.." I manage to say in between stutters. I'm blushing like mad.

He grips onto my tiny hand and leads me into the kitchen. There are two people there.

There is a man and woman in maybe their late forties.

"Mum, Dad. This is Mollie" Ethan says in some sort of proud way.

"Good afternoon Mrs and Mr Dolan" I'm trying to sound nice but I say it in a stuttered and quiet voice.

"Oh know Dearie. I'm just Sean" he says smiling. "Hello love!" Says Ethan's mother approaching me with a smile.

Oh no. New people. She's gonna try and hug me or something. Don't scream don't scream don't scream.

He walks over and hugs me very tightly. I wrap my stick arms around her and tremble, she pulls away squeezes my hands.

I wince in pain, my bottom lip trembling. Little does she know the scars buried deep within my wrists could cut lose any moment.

Sean their dad just shakes my hand and kisses my forehead. These people are the most sweetest kindest people on earth. Ethan is so lucky to have a loving family.

Ethan's POV
Mollie meets my mum and dad but you could tell a mile of she extremely uncomfortable. I'm trying to get Mollie out of here because if mum starts talking to her she'll definitely ask her to stay for dinner and holy shit Mollie wouldn't say anything.

"Come on Moll" I say making my way to the stairs.

Mollie turns around and looks like she couldn't be happier to see the staircase. I chuckle under my breath. I take her tiny hand and lead her into my room.

We both sit down and mollie looks me in the eyes without looking somewhere else in two seconds. I get to look into her beautiful eyes.

They are a hazily emerald and glow. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and she deserves to know.

A/N- I'm really sorry for not updating. I've had huge exams all week and I'm having my last exam tomorrow so they'll be more chapters trust me.

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