• Part 9 •

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Ethan's POV
I wake up the next morning not feeling like shit.  I go over to my mirror and see a happy expression on my face and a week smile crawls across my face.

"Mornin e"

I turn around and Grayson's leaning against the door frame. I chuckle and shake my head.

"You should take a shower because no offence you fucking stink" (hash tag relatable) says Grayson laughing.

"Aight shut up assclown" I throw the pillow at him.

"Lemme pick a outfit for you"

I walk over to my bathroom to take a shower completely forgetting everything.

I hear Grayson gasp and I snap my head on his direction.


Grayson found it.

He found everything.

My marijuana.

My vodka.

My cocaine.

My crack.


And my magic mushrooms


He's crying now

"You need help bro"

I just stand there. He's found out my secret, now he's going to put me in some mental home shit. I start sweating and shaking.

"Ethan? Ethan are you ok?"

I'm breathing really heavily. Then I just scream "Mollie!"
Everything goes black and Grayson's voice has gone Fuzzy.

Mollie's POV and it's the previous night before
As soon as I get out of Ethan's house I feel scared and cold. For some reason I sit on the curb outside his house as if I'm waiting for something, then there front door opens and it's Cameron.

I stand up. "I'm so sorry I was just leaving and I-"

"Hey don't worry about it" she says smiling at me.

When she approaches me I don't run away surprisingly.

She smiles at me "you're so gorgeous" she says out of the blue

I'm so sorry for not updating I have so many exams and CC studies to do. I'm honestly not sure when I'll update next but it will be between now and January sorry sorry

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