Chapter 3

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*** Few Days Later ***

I got a text message from Tom.

From: Tom ;)

"Hey, would you like to meet up for coffee today?"

To: Tom ;)

"Yeah sure, there's a great coffee shop near me, it's European. It is so good, and their cakes are amazing!"

From: Tom ;)

"Oh yeah awesome. I'll drive down now :)"

To: Tom ;)

"Okay see you soon."

** 1 hour and 30 mins later **

I was sitting at the shop and I heard someone talk behind me.



I got up and gave him  hug and went inside and ordered my coffee and slice of cake I wanted.

"Cap in a cup and a slice of Lemon Cake please."

Tom ordered what he wanted and we went and sat down and talked.

"So what have you been up to?" Tom asked.

"Not much just planning my trip to America. You?"

"Nothing just doing the assignment."

"Oh yeah cool."

"I found the perfect place to take a photo. The bridge while in a boat."

"That sounds awesome."

"Yeah. Oh here comes our coffees, and cakes."

"Awesome. After we have this, did you want to come back to mine?"

"Sure, that sounds awesome."

We ate our cakes and drank our coffee and talked for a little while then left and Tom followed me back to mine in our cars.

We got to my place and went inside and talked for a while and I cooked dinner and Tom stayed for dinner.

Tom left and then my mum got home and we talked for a bit and then I went and packed for America considering I leave the day after we break up for holidays and I'm going for three weeks.

** Three days later **

** Tom's POV **

I'm beginning to really like Anna. I have feelings for her big time. She's leaving for America in just a few days now, for three weeks. I have no idea what to do. I don't even know if she likes me.

** Anna's POV **

I like Tom and I don't know what to do. I don't even think he likes me.  I just receive a text message from him.

"Hey wanna grab something to eat?"

"Sure. where at?"


"Sounds good what one?" I ask him.

"One near you."

"Okay see you soon."

"Okay x"

Tom and I meet up and eat our lunch.

"Anna, I was thinking about something?"

"Yeah what?"

"I was wondering... Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

"Really? I would love to." I say smiling.

** The day I leave **

 Tom and I just got together and I leave for America today. I am going to miss him so much. 

I wake up to my alarm going off. I turn over and don't want to get up. 

"Anna?" Mum says knocking at my door. "You have to get up you have to get ready and go to the airport." She said and opened my door. 

"Okay, I'm up." I said and got up and out of bed. I went and had a shower and got ready to catch my train to the airport so I can catch my plane. 

I get ready and put my suitcases by the door, and call the airport link bus I receive a text message from Tom. 

From Tom: 

"Have a great flight, face time me when you get there. I'm going to miss you. x" 

To Tom: 

"I will, Thank you. I 'm going to miss you too. x: 

I got into the cab after I said goodbye to my mum and drove to the airport. I got there a few hour before my flight, I registered and they took my under carriage bag, and kept my bag that I was taking on the plane with me, I got my macbook out and sat down and turn my wifi on and began to face time Tom. 

We talked up until about an hour before my flight. We hung up and went to get something to eat. I had the best subway footlong and a boost. 

I ate my lunch and drank my drink. I put my rubbish in the bin and walked to where I had to get on the plane. I boarded the plane and took my seat. I relaxed and set my self in for a long flight. 

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