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"I heard that Park Haru smokes."

The girls behind Park Haru were talking about her in class. Little did they know that she was very capable of hearing them speak about her.

"I don't believe that. She's too... innocent. If she did I'd understand why."

"What? She's perfect. Not in looks. She's just... she has a normal life. Nothing wrong with it."

The girl speaking about Haru didn't know a single factor about the life of the girl with severe depression. Haru held her pencil in her hand, hovering over the words she couldn't seem to concentrate on.

"That's wrong. Her parents aren't together anymore. They broke up the night before high school. They divorced last year and she's had depression ever since."

"She probably just said that to get attention. I also heard that she flirts with every guy in the school even though she says she's bisexual."

Haru heard a seat slide backwards as someone stood up. "I don't think I want to talk to you anymore."

Haru was surprised by the sound a girl sitting down next to her. It was the girl defending her. Haru was absolutely speechless. She wouldn't dare say a word anyway. She would probably stumble anyway. Haru looked down at her paper and desperately tried to think of something to write down.

"Hi, Haru!" The girl smiled at her. The girl had dyed orange hair, a fringe and every strand of her hair looked dead straight. She was gorgeous.

Haru only smiled in return. "My name is Lalisa Manoban. You can call me Lisa!"

"H-hi Lisa." Haru nervously looked back at her paper. People didn't usually talk to her.

Throughout the lesson, Lisa didn't do any of the work she was meant to be doing. Haru eventually got back on track and managed to finish her work before the end of the lesson.

Haru took her time packing up after class, as usual. Lisa stayed back with her.

"Hey, Haru?"


"I know people talk about you a lot. It's stupid. Don't listen to them, okay? I hope we can become good enough friends so I can learn about your past and help you through coping." She smiled.

"And then I can prove them all wrong!" She paused for a minute. Haru held her books very close to her body, hugging them. "Do you want to sit with me at lunch? Actually, no. I'll sit with you. It'll be too much for you to be brought into a big group too soon."

What Lalisa was saying was very considerate and kind. She smiled and turned on her heal and headed for the door. She turned back and smiled when she got to the door. "Have a good weekend!"

With that, she left and Haru was reminded that it was the last period of Friday. She smiled. Someone was being nice to Park Haru.

There's hope.

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