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The swing moved back and forth with every kick that Park Haru subconsciously pushed against the still and quiet air of an abandoned park.

Haru held a book in her lap, her left hand holding it there as her right hand held the swing.

Where there was silence, there was happiness for her.

Reading was another therapeutic escape for Haru. Being someone else for a while helps to get her mind off of the terrible world she lived in.

Haru's train of thought was interrupted by the voice of a girl. She looked up to see a girl with long, straight, bright orange hair skipping towards her.


"Hey Haru!" She was holding two cups with straws in them. She held one of them out for Haru.

Haru took it slowly, examining the pink coloured iced drink before her. "What is it?"

Lisa looked horrified by those words. "You're joking right?"

Haru stares at Lisa blankly.

"It's a raspberry slurpy! Have you never been to the shop down the road?"

Haru shook her head. Lisa finally accepted it and laughed. "Just try it! It may look like the dodgiest drink on earth but it's actually quite addictive."

Haru took a sip. Her eyes widened as she looked back up to Lisa. Lisa was staring, waiting for the reaction.



Haru and Lisa made their way to the gazebo next to the park and they sat down. Haru found her page again, in the book she had been reading. She dog-eared it and closed the book.

"Haru!" Lisa was once again shocked. Haru, again, stared blankly at the girl. "How could you dog-ear a page?!"

"I- I don't usually... I just don't have a bookmark with me today... I actually hate hurting books like that but I don't want to lose my page today."

Haru looked guilty. Lisa laughed. "What?" Haru questioned.

"You're just so cute!"

Haru turned away to hide the fact that she could feel her cheeks redden.


They both broke out laughing for a while.

"Hey Lisa?" Haru said once she finally stopped laughing at her own embarrassment.


"What does the name Lalisa mean?"

"Noble, kind and courageous is all I can remember from the website."

"It's a really pretty name..."

"Thank you, Haru, so is yours though. What does it mean?"

Haru thought for a minute, trying to recall what her name means. "Spring, light and sun in Japanese and 'one day' in Korean"

"That suits you very well."


"Yeah! You're pretty and lovely like spring. You always show a side of you that is warm and happy like the sun. And 'one day' sounds very poetic, and you seem like the type that would like poetry!"

"You're very observational, Lisa."

"I know." She smiled, very proud of herself.

"Do you really think I'm pretty?" Haru blurted out.

"Y-yeah!" She giggled after stumbling a little. She smiled her adorable grin. She checked her phone. "Hey, I should probably go. I had tons of fun! Have a nice afternoon!"

"You too!" Haru smiled.

That might be the first time Haru had been genuinely happy to see someone and sad that they have to leave.

Lalisa Manoban was being her friend.


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