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As Haru was walking to school, she passed the coffee shop on her street. She absentmindedly strolled into the store and found herself ordering a coffee and some breakfast.

"That will be $10, miss" the lady at the till offered a smile.

Haru began to rummage through her bag for her wallet.

Where is it? Oh god it's not here!

"I'm so sorry, but I can't find my wallet." Haru struggled to make a smile as her face began to flush red in embarrassment. She began to fidget. "I'll just cancel my order, thank you anyway..."

She began to turn around when a male voice spoke to her and the cashier. "I'll pay for her order."

The boy wore the same school uniform as Haru (although it was the design for males without the skirt) though she didn't recognise his face, she shrugged it off because the school was large enough to not possibly know every persons face.

"What?!" Haru argued. "No, no, no! It's just coffee, I can go without!" she awkwardly laughed.

He tilted his head a bit. "It's your breakfast. You can't go to school without breakfast. You won't last the first five minutes in that place without the energy to tolerate people."

Haru furrowed her eyebrows. "That's an oddly perfect representation of my need of breakfast and why..."

He shrugged. "I'm the same."

The lady at the till coughed to get the attention of Haru and the boy. "You gonna pay or are you just gonna stand around with people waiting to get coffee all day?"

The boy walked up to the counter and ordered his own breakfast with coffee. He paid for both his own half and Haru's.

Haru walked out of the shop with the boy after collecting her coffee. He handed her food to Haru. 

"Thank you so much, you're a lifesaver." Haru began devouring her food even before they started walking to school again.

The boy laughed and turned to face her. "We haven't formally met. My name is Jeon Jungkook." He did an awkward but polite bow in front of the giggling girl. He smiled widely, showing his bunny teeth.

"I'm Park Haru!" Haru smiled and bowed the same way Jungkook did.

They began to walk to school together. "Is your name meant to be the Korean Haru or the Japanese Haru? 'One day' or 'spring'?"

"I think my parents wanted the Japanese meaning of spring, my signature is the Japanese characters for it."

"That's actually pretty cool, you should show me 'one day'." He began to laugh at his own pun.

Haru couldn't help but join in on the giggle-fest. They walked to school, getting to know each other more and more as they went. Haru found out that he was in none of her classes though he was in her grade.

They arrived at school and parted ways as classes began.

Haru walked into her maths class to see Lisa sitting in the seat next to the one Haru would usually sit in. Haru looked for Lisa's friend that she would usually sit with to find her sitting with some boys at the back of the classroom, flirting with them. Haru almost threw up in her mouth.

As the class began, the teacher assigned some tasks for the day. Lisa leant in and whispered to Haru. "Hey, you know how usually I don't do anything in maths?" Haru nodded. "Well, my friend, Areum, she isn't a good influence on me honestly, and I think, because I've been hanging out with you, you could help me? I can barely understand any of this unit because of her so if you could just... I'm not sure..."

Haru turned in her seat to face Lisa with a beaming smile. "I would be thrilled to tutor you, Lalisa."


Haru went home with Lalisa that afternoon. First, they went over all of Haru's notes and Lisa copied them all down, and after a little explanation and individually working on problems, Lisa understood.

"So, Haru? Is this right?"

Haru leant over and checked the working out and the graphs that Lisa had done. "Yes, it's perfect!" She smiled and Lisa beamed in return.

"I should probably get home..." Lisa looked at the time on her phone. 7:00.

"Yeah, I hope you don't forget any of this." 

Haru helped Lisa pack up her things and they walked to the door. Haru accompanied Lisa on her walk home and they got to a beautiful, two story house that seemed like a mansion to a girl with a poor family like Haru.

They got to the door and Lisa turned to say goodbye. But no one said anything. Instead... Lisa leant in and connected her lips with those of Haru.

And the most surprising part...

Haru, the shy, introverted girl, constantly avoiding attention and conversations and people in general... that girl...

She kissed back.

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