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  Brendon ran away that night, he ran away to home. Away from Ryan is where he wanted to be. He had to conjure up in his mind what to say to the response he got.
  How can someone love somebody, but not mention it for so long? Brendon took two whiskey shots and the strong taste causing him to cringe. He had to realize that, Ryan would never leave his life, he would always stick around no matter what. At this point, Brendon was almost nineteen, he was an adult and didn't need to be bossed around by someone who only has two years on him. 
  Brendon lied on his bed and took it all in, his thoughts, his fears, everything.

  "Honey, come downstairs." Ryan would say.
Brendon wouldn't feel so good about it.
  "Yeah... I'm coming." Although he'd still reply because there's something about Ryan, maybe it's the way the storm casts that effect on him.
That's when Brendon realized, he doesn't want a domestic life. He doesn't want Ryan.

  And with that, Brendon made his decision.
He wants the drugs, not the love.

  "Doing some hard thinking I see." Ryan says while perched on the bay window.
  Brendon wasn't even surprised that Ryan found a way into his house.
  Brendon gave no answer.
  "Ah, is there anything you'd like to tell me?"
Brendon shrugged.
  "Don't know?" Ryan asked.
  "You confuse me." Brendon finally spoke up.
  "How so?" Ryan was intrigued.
  "You're the weather, happy, mad, sunny, stormy, confusing, moonlight." Brendon tried to explain. It was better in his head.
  "So if Im the weather? Well then, you seem to follow me so what does that make you?
You're one, you're lonely. A little weather vane."
Silence rang in the room for almost ten minutes. Until Brendon broke the ice and ended the conversation.
  "Hey.. I know it's, mad. But, if the world we're ending.. would you kiss me, or just leave?"
  "You can't seem to read me. Find your way weather vane."

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