Whats Wrong With Him?

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Mangle P.O.V.

I walked out of Wendy's as fast as possible. I took a quick glance at Foxy. He seemed depressed. I could tell because this time he didn't have his hood on. He still had his eye patch hidden though. I also realised that  had a crush on him. It was kind of odd since they met because he almost ran me over with a 3 and a half ton car but I still found him handsome.

I wonder what he's really like. I grabbed my keys to my new Lamborghini Aventador and got in. I looked through the window one last time and saw Foxy with his mouth open. I could only imagine what he was thinking. It obvious he wasn't rich. I groaned as I had accidentally left my keys in Wendy's. I walked back in the door to find Foxy listening to the two biggest bullies in the school talk in a corner. Unfortunately the bullies noticed me and started whistling at me. They both came over. One of them was Goldie and the other was SpringTrap.

Goldie:Well well well what's a pretty girl like you doing in this part of town?

Spingy:You look nice......and tasty.

SpringTrap and Goldie had criminal records....something on there was about them and rape.

Mangle:Leave me alone creeps.

Goldie then pushed her up against the wall and stated shifting her towards the back door.

Springy: Let's go have some fun.

Suddenly Goldie went flying 5 feet because a Crimson haired boy slammed into him. Springy was temporarily distracted by this so I kicked him right in the crown jewels. SpringTrap then hit me with all his might he was going in for another hit before he got pulled away by Foxy. Foxy had long sleeves on every time I saw him but now he had the up. Now I see why. On one hand he has a hook. That's when I realised that was why foxy almost never did anything with his left hand. His left hand had a razor sharp hook.

Sorry for such a short chappy I need to work on my other series. I'm not too into my other series but I'll write it just because it was my first book and it has the most views. Go and check it out!

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