The Dodo CAN fly

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  Your eyes crack open, blinking up at the undersides of mushrooms. "Come on! Wake up ___!" You groan closing your eyes again. A woman's angelic laugh catches your ear and you peek an eye open to see a raven haired woman leaning over you. "Hello," She greets. You blink up at her, offering a smile. "You seem normal," You breathe sitting up and turning to her only to pause, gapping at her lower half. She was half caterpillar. The caterpillar's smooth half was black with baby blue spots. The black and baby blue stopped below her human bellybutton. She wore a leather jacket that hugged her upper body. "You don't seem all that normal," She comments, making you blink out of your awe. "You're one to talk!" You snort, causing the woman to laugh. "Fufu no wonder Luffy picked you," She comments you blink at her. "Who?" You huff. "The rabbit with a scar below his eye," She giggles. You pause and frown, jumping to your feet. "That guy! Where is he? Im gonna kick his ass!" You growl. She chuckles, amused. "I don't know, maybe you'll find him easier if you eat this," She muses, offering you a piece of some pink mushroom. You blink at it skeptically. "Its gonna kill me isn't it," You mutter bluntly. "Fufu, perhaps, it may kill you and you drop dead here," She says with a smile. You blink at her, then look down at the mushroom. "Alright," You huff taking a bite. You blink and suddenly shrink, looking at caterpillar's underside. You blink, "Dammit! How the hell is this supposedtp to help?!" You demand. "Oh my, at that size you'll definitely get squashed," She muses in amusement. You frown up at the caterpillar woman. "You're not help-- AAAAHHH! FUCK!!!" You cry out as something swoops down and snatches you up. You wiggle about, glaring at the odd colored bird. "I'm warning you pigeon! I am not food!" "Calm down yoi, and Im not a pigeon. I'm a dodo." The bird replies. "I thought dodos couldn't fly," You comment, looking down as he flew over smaller mushrooms. "Everyone says that but that's not true, we can fly... We just prefer not to because--" He suddenly crashes into a tree with you and falls to the ground. You bounce off his feathery chest before he changes form. "We can't land.." He breathes, sitting up now a human. Tan with blond hair. You get up staggering a bit. "That's how you land!? A little warning would have been nice!" You scold, pinching his cheek. "That hurts yoi..." He huffs. "Why'd you scoop me up to begin with!?" You question. "I need a partner for the race," He tells you, rubbing his cheek. You blink and frown. "A race?" You echo. He nods. "I'm going to beat Ace and Sabo this time. I just need a small partner to carry." He informs you. Your frown deepens. "So you're using me," You comment. He thinks for a moment. "Yeah pretty much," He admits. You grit your teeth annoyed but his blunt response somehow won you over. "Alright then, just no more flying," You huff. "Of course not, its a foot race," He says standing up. He was much bigger than you. He picks you up like a kitten and you kinda wiggle in protest. "You're kinda adorable yoi," he muses you with a slight smile. You frown and glare at him. "I'm not adorable..." You grumble. He chuckles, setting you on his shoulder and continuing down the toadstool path. You hold onto his neck, not wanting to fall off. "What's your name anyway?" You inquire. "My name is Marco, who are you?" He replies. "___," You tell him glancing around at the little furry creatures that wobbled about in the shadows. He glances at you as you take in your surroundings. "Ah the one Ace and Sabo have been talking about," He hums thoughtfully. "Huh?" You huff, giving him a look. He shakes his head and before you can press, nose up ahead catches your ear. You look ahead, seeing movement and people moving around. You blink curiously as Marco steps out of the trees. Seemed like everyone was preparing for a race. Marco gets in line. "Ah Marco, so you think you'll win this time?" A smooth voice makes you look over at a blond in the top hat. His blue orbs rested on you, a scar over his left eye. "Damn right I do, Hatter," Marco huffs. The blond smirks and you feel your cheeks heat up. He was cute. "My name is Sabo actually, don't let the title confuse you princess," The blond says, taking off his hat and giving a slight bow. Something rolls off his head and you swiftly reach out, grabbing the mouse's hand. Sabo blinks at the mouse as you pull him up to you. The mouse was the same size as you, black speckles on his face. Kinda cute for a rodent. The mouse snuggles into you, tail wrapping around your arm as he sleeps. "Aw... He's adorable," You giggle, petting his cheek. Sabo chuckles while Marco lets out a huff. The mouse's nose twitches, big brown eyes cracking open. They meet your amused gaze and soft smile sleepily. His eyes shoot open and flinches back. "Ah!" He gasps, falling off Marco's shoulder and changing form, suddenly Sabo's size. You blink down and start blush. His dark hair shifts as he sits up, fingers running through his hair. Pink dusts his freckled cheeks as he glances back up at you. You swiftly look away blushing more. Marco and Sabo chuckle now as former mouse springs to his feet with a slight stagger, eyes still on you. "Who's that?" He murmurs to Sabo. "Princess, this is Ace," Sabo informs you. "My name is ___! Why does everyone keep calling me princess!?" You groan. They both chuckle at that. "Anyway. You ready to get your ass handed to you again Marco?" Ace rumbles. Marco frowns at them. "You two are gonna lose this time yoi," He shoots back. You smirk a bit. "Damn right," You rumble, making Ace and Sabo grin. "You're on princess," They say together, Ace turning back into a mouse. Sabo places Ace in his pocket as everyone prepares to run. You look around. "I don't see the finish line..." You murmur to Marco. "Its a race to find the finish line," He tells you. "We need partners in case we get lost." "Oh.... Great," You mutter as a horn sounds and everyone rushes into the forest. You grab onto Marco's neck to keep from falling off. What a chaotic race...

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