Chapter 13: My Afternoon Dream

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Laith's little happy medium of being outside of both sides of the door and texting wasn't working out for Naomi. Since her father prohibited his daughter sleeping in the same bedroom as her boyfriend because of the incident, Naomi found a loophole he said that the couple will not be staying in the same room that didn't mean they could be in the hallway together.

She accumulated a handful of pillows and a blanket and shuffled to the door. Naomi ajar the door and scoped out the hallway seeing if her father was out there, Laith was resting his eyes for a bit he ended up falling rearward thudding his head on the wooden floor.

"Ouch!" Laith massaged the back of his head.

Naomi dropped everything she had in her hands. She got down on her knees and placed Laith's head in her lap. "Cupcake I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine now snookum." Laith beamed.

Naomi bussed Laith's forehead. "Good."

"What are you doing out here you're going to get us both in deep trouble by your father he already thinks I'm with you for just your looks and sex!" Laith blurted.

"Shush." Naomi hushed Laith by laying her finger on Laith's subtle lips. "He didn't say I can't sleep with you in the hallway." She smiled slyly.

"But Naomi." Laith whispered.

"Baby." Naomi whined.

"If we get caught your dad will never like me again. I already lost some of his trust I had with him." Laith made a point.

Naomi exhaled. "What my daddy don't know won't hurt him. I'm an adult now I'm grown enough to make my own choices."

"I suppose." Laith shrugged.

"Goodie now scoot over." Naomi dimpled.

Laith held out his arms signaling Naomi that she could drift off in his chest as he sheltered and protected her throughout the darkness. Before she crawled into the ripples of his arms, Naomi propped up a few pillows and swaddled her and Laith in the blanket for warmth.

When Naomi got into Laith's embrace she immediately made herself comfortable in his chest. He grazed in Naomi's sleek hair with his free hand and in the other hand it was being occupied by holding his significant other.

Laith had gotten cozy in the angle of Naomi's neck. He inched closer to Naomi's ear, he desperately wanted to ask her something.

"Snookum?" Laith cuddled with Naomi.

"Yes cupcake?" Naomi answered somnolently.

Laith lifted Naomi's chin to make her give him her attention. "Promise me something."

Naomi yawned. "Mm-hmm anything."

"Naomi sweetheart I want us to apologize to your parents in the morning." Laith instructed. "Especially your father."

"Laith!" Naomi hissed.

"Baby. It's the right thing to do we were being intimate in their house and your dad is only protecting you. You're his little girl." Laith informed.

Naomi exhaled. "Cupcake he's protected me and babied me all my life it needs to stop."

"Well... has it ever occur to you that he's scared of losing you?" Laith acknowledged.

Naomi raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean scared of losing me?"

"You moved out of state, met a guy that you fell in love with and you're basically ready to settle down with him. You just told your father that you're pregnant with our baby." Laith interlocked his fingers with Naomi. "He's scared that you're growing up and he'll lose you in the long run."

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