Chapter 18: This Is How It Ends, Never Meant To Hurt You

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Naomi charged like lightning to Morgan's house. She ran until she couldn't anymore. The rain was coming down so bleak that it felt like hail sized golf balls yet that didn't stop her from getting as far away from Laith as she could.

When she reached the condominium complex, Naomi punched in the code to gain access into the gated community. She continued to amble up to Morgan's condo and approached the door. Naomi buzzed the doorbell and shivered because the rain was gelid.

A half-naked Inigo opened the door. Naomi was holding her stomach and she was drenched from the rain. It sort of made her look like the grudge the way her hair was in her face.

Inigo pushed back Naomi's hair. "Naomi? What are you doing out in the rain? Morgan!" He called.

Morgan dashed out of the other room. "Oh my God! What happened?" She got on her knees to hug Naomi for warmth. "Inigo get her in here."

Naomi's body felt ice cold from all spurting rain and blood loss. Her teeth were chattering, her mascara ran down her face from the crying and rain some waterproof mascara she had.

Morgan gave Naomi some dry clothes to wear instead of her drenched ones and Inigo had wrapped his robe around Naomi along with one of their comforters while she sat on the couch.

Inigo went to the pharmacy to go get Naomi ibuprofen and a ginger ale. It gave time for Naomi and Morgan to talk.

"Naomi what in the hell were you thinking? You could've got hypothermia out there?" Morgan combed Naomi's hair as she blow dried it.

Naomi sniffled. "I just had to get out of there."

"Why what happened?" Morgan turned the blow dryer off so she could hear what Naomi had to say.

"Laith and I broke up." Naomi was weeping quietly, snuffling a little. "And I lost the baby from a miscarriage."

"You poor baby." Morgan hugged Naomi. "You can stay here as long as you want."

Naomi wiped her tears and sighed. "I feel like it's my fault he cheated on me. He got drunk and slept with a model."

"He cheated on you?" Morgan sat on the couch alongside Naomi.

Naomi twisted her lips. "I cheated first... maybe... I don't know we were on a break at the time. I don't know if I cheated or not when we weren't together but and my ex back in Virginia because he made me so mad and my ex was treating me better than Laith did. And after we slept together his baby momma burst in subsequently when Inigo called me to say that Laith was in the hospital."

"So...In this case, he was subconsciously led to do it." Morgan shrugged.

"What does that even mean Morgan?" Naomi sniffled again.

Morgan held Naomi's hands and looked directly in her eyes. "I guess it's just part of human nature, you love the person so much but you kind of feel like well if she did it to me, then it gives me permission to do it back because she did it first."

"Well when you put it like that." Naomi clenched her stomach.

"Do you want anything to take for your cramps while Inigo is out? I got Midol's." Morgan got up from off the couch.

"I'll try anything to get rid of these pangs." Naomi looked down at her stomach.

"I'm not trying to tell you how to run your relationship Naomi but well when you and Laith stop fighting and come to y'all senses that you both love each other to death you and him can finally settle down and commit to one another. Then maybe you can try again for a baby. Just give it some time." Morgan enlightened.

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