Chapter 16: Paper, Scissors, Rock

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Even if Laith was gone, Naomi still had to attend work. She didn’t feel like going so she can be bothered by her coworkers. Naomi was still going to be melancholy about her boyfriend not being around for a month. So she decided that she’ll attend tomorrow and not today. Nobody knew she was back from her trip.

It seemed as if Liani and Angel weren’t in the apartment with her because they were very noiseless.

Naomi strolled into the kitchen where she found Liani making breakfast. You know she’s Laith’s sister because she cooks just like him.

Liani jumped. “You scared me.”

“I’m sorry Liani. I was just wondering where the aroma was coming from.” Naomi explained.

Liani removed her apron. “No. I’m sorry I’ll replace the food I used.”

“It’s fine. I’m leaving to go grocery shopping.” Naomi admitted.

Liani poured Naomi a glass of orange juice. “Can I tag along? I want to interrogate you with questions I have about seeing my brother.” She teased.

Naomi giggled. “Sure you can. Thanks for the orange juice.”

“No problem.” Liani smiled. “I’ll meet you in the truck I have to go wake Angel up from his nap.”

Naomi sipped on her orange juice and set the glass down. “Okay.” She acknowledged.

She wandered into her room to go grab her phone just encase Laith would call her while she was out with Liani and Angel. Afterwards, Naomi traveled down to the garage to start up the truck while waiting on Liani to come down with Angel so they can all get out the apartment and go to the grocery store.

Liani had Angel propped up against her side while she carried her bag on her. She strapped Angel into his car seat and presumed with sitting in the passenger’s seat and putting on her seatbelt.

Naomi adjusted the rearview mirror. “Aw. Is Angel always asleep?”

“Angel suffers from narcolepsy.” Liani informed.

“Narcolepsy? I’ve never heard of that. Is it serious?” Naomi asked out of curiosity.

Liani shifted to look at Naomi. “Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder that causes excessive sleepiness and frequent daytime sleep attacks.”

Naomi lifted her eyebrow. “So is there a cure?”

“No.” Liani answered. “Angel takes special medications and he has a different lifestyle than others. But I wouldn’t want him to be treated any differently or use it as an excuse that he can’t. You know?”

“Yeah I understand.” Naomi glimpsed back at Angel sleeping.

Liani giggled. “Aren’t I supposed to be the one interrogating you?”

“Go on ahead.” Naomi insisted.

Liani furrowed her eyebrows. “Are you sure?”

Naomi began driving. “By all means.”

“I’ll wait until we get into the store. But for now I have one question.” Liani peered over at Naomi.

“And that is?” Naomi glanced at Liani and focused back on the road.

“Do you love my brother?” Liani awaited for an answer.

Naomi grew a smile on her face and her cheeks reddened. “Love isn’t when you can name a million things you love about the person. Love is when you can’t even find the words to describe how you feel about them. I love my little cupcake more than anything.” She dimpled.

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