Chapter 23: Forever Love

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The minute Liani returned back home from the pharmacy with a pregnancy test, she hurried to Naomi’s quarters finding her in the middle of her second nap today. Liani shook Naomi and did everything she could to wake her.

At last Naomi budged and stretched then fluttered her eyes.

“Where’s the fire?” Naomi scratched her hair and yawned.

Liani giggled. “No fire. Pregnancy test.” She put the test in Naomi’s hand. “Now run along and go pee on it.”

Naomi slammed her hands on the bed. “I’m telling you I’m not pregnant.” She flipped the covers off her body and shuffled to the bathroom.

Naomi took the pregnancy test into the bathroom along with her. She washed her hands before taking the test out of the box to prepare herself. She pealed the testing stick from out of its wrapper.

Then she strolled on over to the toilet where she made herself comfortable and removed her bottoms and her panties so she could urinate on the stick. Naomi was apprehensive on the fact that this is a nerve wrecking experience whether if she’d be expecting again for the second time and carrying her ex-boyfriend’s baby.

Naomi remembered her the first time she took a pregnancy test but that time she had Laith’s company and support. She was trembling and paranoid until Laith came to her rescue to calm her down and run the faucet water to make her go.

This time she was still a wreck and couldn’t go on the stick. So many thoughts filled her head like what if she’d lose this one too, she would be a single mother raising her child and if she was pregnant would she tell Laith?

Naomi ran the faucet to make her use the bathroom to begin the process of the pregnancy test. Eventually she had urinated on it for the time that was instructed on the box which was only a few seconds. After Naomi was finished she set the test down on the bathroom counter and cleansed herself. She rewashed her hands and exited out of the bathroom leaving the test behind until it progressed her results.

“What did it say?” Liani cheesed.

Naomi shrugged. “I don’t know. I just got finished peeing on it.”

“Looks like we have to wait five minutes.” Liani enlightened. “So I bought some snacks if you want any they’re in the pantry.”

Naomi climbed into the bed and back under the covers. “Liani I’m telling you I’m not pregnant. I’m just a little late on my monthly.” She reassured.

Liani crawled into the bed next to Naomi. “Naomi when was the last time you got your monthly?”

“At the end of last…month.” Naomi placed her palm in her face. “Fuck.”

“If you are pregnant… let’s just use this as a hypothetical question will you tell Laith?” Liani pondered.

Naomi positioned herself to sit up. “Yeah he has a right because he’d be the baby’s father and I can’t deny him the right to see his child. Hypothetically.” She moved her fingers in quotations.

“Which means you’ll be getting back with him?” Liani hinted.

“No. If I’m pregnant by your brother that doesn’t mean I’ll go running back to him.” Naomi gave her final thoughts.

Liani pouted. “Naomi… why do you have to put on a front. I know you still love Laith and he loves you too.”

“I admit I love your brother. I do he was my first and I’ll never forget that. But getting back with him if and I mean if I’m pregnant will only be preventing me from moving forward with my life.” Naomi turned on her side.

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